Dowsing rods to search for gold

Dowsing rods

Dowsing rods The art of dowsing has been around for centuries, even millennia. The oldest forms of divination known to Read more

Dowsing rods industry to search for burials

Dowsing rods industry to search for burials Dowsing rods may be the best way to search for burials,Especially it's cheap Read more

Important information about using dowsing rods

Important information about using dowsing rods Bwahath various types of copper signal Devin site but when you drill there is Read more

Dowsing rods to search for gold

The use of dowsing rods good idea and accepted at many as they had proved effective and successful in detecting gold along with the rest of the metals that can be separated and dowsing rods make marks on gold only.

Dowsing rods industry to search for burials

Dowsing rods are used to find things that are buried. And bury things like this, such as foundations and walls or where the septic tank for your home.
The use of dowsing rods, you need two wires about 12 inches long with one end bent at a ninety degree angle, about 2 inches long. Then you need 2 inches by half an inch, round copper pipes with soft edge around the pipe. Now place the part 2 inch rods in the pipes, leaving long ends that we refer to in front of beralil, close to each other but ready at the lowest of the pipe to split from each other, but not quite. Now, with the pipe in your hand and pointing to the front webalansing to the point where they’ll come away with minimum change. Now to test your ability to use these rods, it would be good to try it on something that you know that buried them. Go to the pipe object will begin to split apart as come to the wall of the object, and once the split rails are in one line, then you have come to the right top of the edge, now with rods directly opposite each other, step side so you can see start rod on the side that the side who resigned from the bend, this bar shows you that the corner is out, I’ll show you in the corner if you keep on going. When you do this, you can find all of the four object.
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This is a skill that takes time and balance on the slide master, the same applies to dowsing rods that were just branch in the shape of “Y” which came from an Apple tree and used to find underground currents. And both methods have been used for 25 years now, and find it very useful at times. Here’s a PIC, I didn’t try what wedimistrati was saying. 