Ways and methods of detecting oil

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Ways and methods of detecting oil


Human knowledge belongs to the beginnings of recorded history, yet still ways to find oil complex and require considerable expenditure, these methods of technological development is how far, in the survey, seismic or magnetic or electric-by land, air and sea-and the use of computers.


The movements of the floors, and the cracks and gullies and folds and interactions of the many differences in the properties of the rocks even in adjacent areas, and does not mean there is necessarily a geological structures of oil. All detection methods available so far cannot confirm the existence of pools of oil in the pores of sedimentary rocks are primary or secondary in a certain area. These groupings with other materials including groundwater and various types of impurities, and that the oil does not occupy 100 percent of available porosity in the oil, whether synthetic or precipitation.
On the other hand, the amount of oil in the Rocky layer may often represent only a fraction of the total volume of oil-bearing layer, and the nature of oil saturation in the pores of sedimentary layers allows high scalability to extract a certain amount of oil, while other amount attached to the surfaces of the granules of rock may be chemically based and cannot be extracted only by high-cost operations to change the properties of the binding. Here it has to be the exploration drilling for oil field where the calendar is able to extract the oil, and petroleum reservoir size, and possible development of detection, additional data collection for the underground reservoir.


First: current techniques for global and regional oil exploration


There are specific areas or certain rocks or deep, or close specific geological eras where there is oil and that we know that oil may be stored and held in the formative age ranges between layers era antique Paleozoic life and lower ages of life, the exploration and production of oil had spread to the modern Cenozoic era. And then require oil study found layers of rock beneath the Earth’s surface, the geological sequences, in search of sedimentary basins and petroleum potential reservoirs, both on land and under the sea and under the ice in the northern and southern hemispheres.
Oil exploration requires substantial investments, and technological expertise, and ongoing funding for exploration plans, integrating the elements of the oil industry, mining, transport and marketing. The goal of exploration is the search pool of petroleum reservoirs by using various types of survey, and aerial and ground detection and Gouveia, and oil seeps is a positive indicator to identify most of the exploration, along with the search section on the specific structural troll as saddles and domes.
Exploration techniques include USGS Stratigraphic Survey class, using remote sensing tools such as radar aerial photos and satellite imagery, along with field studies to identify key geological elements in certain areas, types of coloured stone, its surface and their combinations, geological mapping, and projection of the oil in sedimentary layers, and layers and depths reservoir potential, some of the characteristics of the fishery. Then comes the phase of geophysical surveys using seismic, gravity and magnetic and electrical resistance and induced polarization, voltage and electromagnetic radiation to determine the most important physical properties of rocks, such as density, porosity, flexibility and capacity of electrical and magnetic characteristics.
And complete chemical studies of the rocks, you can see how they contain organic material oil-generating, as well as indicators of the presence of known major oil storage tanks, such as the existence of a high proportion of porous rocks, carbonate, and decompose rapidly materials under the influence of the chemical weathering of humidity and dryness membership in particular.
If geology through views of rocks and wells, and the many ways of Geophysics today practical means to study the composition and structure of Earth, however not all geophysical and geochemical geological studies to pinpoint locations of oil and gas pools, however these studies, comprehensive of drilling, is the decisive factor in oil exploration, and its success is linked to precise locations of wells, and estimate the potential depth there is oil in the layer or layers, and efficient information systems and programming, to identify subsurface layers in Course estimation of thickness and depth to each.

Class: geological survey

Well first discovered oil in the United States in Virginia in 1806, and was drilled well first integrated in the city of Titusville, Pennsylvania, followed by the discovery of the first oil field without starting the cold evidence, relying on geological studies in the province of Kuching in Oklahoma in the United States, by drilling in a convex fold.

Geophysical surveys:

Is a practical tool for geophysical surveys complete and useful information about the structure of layers and structures of petroleum reservoirs, and obtained in difficult terrain areas as marine areas, deserts, polar ice, deserts and volcanic areas. GBM has created the best capabilities in information processing, geophysical space uses have evolved to detect mineral and petroleum wealth.
Geophysical methods include commonly used seismic sometimes called seismic, gravity, magnetic, and electrical methods, then the less used roads and measuring temperature is at or near the Earth’s surface or in the air. If seismic and gravimetric methods are primarily tools for oil, electrical methods used, usually, metal detectors, and the Russians and the French are using electric and magnetic methods together to search for petroleum and minerals

Alsizimi survey:

Seismic survey is a practical tool to identify subsurface geologic formation, and relies on a small explosive detonated near the surface, resulting in shock or Jolt or seismic wave, Rayleigh or Love type, and this wave back to the surface after reflection from surfaces between layers of different natural characteristics and reflections on sensitive devices responsive to ground motion Detectors, & Geophones on the specific dimensions of fusing point to receive the reflected sound waves measuring reverberation time of seismic wave.

Method of gravity:

The method research of gravity within the first few miles of the Earth’s surface to measure small changes in the rocks to objects and blocks above the surface, strong attractions vary from place to place according to the different densities of the rocks under the Earth’s surface, because gravity is proportional with attractive clusters, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance. If the higher density layers upward bending erection rising like isocline, the field of gravity is above the fold axis greater than along her sides, the salt dome, less dense than the rocks that hit, can detect a small value of gravity measured higher in comparison to the value of gravity on either side.

Magnetic method:

Magnetic survey is used to measure the change in the Earth’s magnetic field from one place to another, because of the different geological compositions, and topographic changes of the surface rocks, and Magnetic Susceptibility of these rocks, metamorphic or igneous rocks that have usually higher rates of metal magnetic properties of Magnetite, or rock near the Earth’s surface. Magnetometers are used in magnetic survey on the ground, aircraft or vessels and in particular to determine the thickness of the sediments of petroleum storage, or magnetic metals.
Recently used satellites to draw contour maps of the changes in magnetic field strength to determine geological structures in areas of magnetic survey, in particular places of folds and fissures in the Earth’s crust is likely having oil pools, deep rocks account rule helps to estimate the thickness of the sedimentary layers and the extension and extension, as well as known interferences igneous rocks the sedimentary layers. Magnetic method has helped discover several oil fields in Saudi Arabia, including the fields of Huta waldlm 1989, walrghib and bliss and sweet walhsmih and they canceled him in the central region in 1990, then a city on the northern coast of the Red Sea in 1993.

Electrical method:

This method relies on different electrical resistivity measurements between different rock types, especially between salt and sediment, and easy of use determine the depth of rock base with high resistivity values. If the variations in electrical properties of sedimentary rock limited, the karst rock mass and anhydrite are desorption. As well as the self-help method is used for surface measurements in milliseconds for electrochemical emerging efforts in the territory by the chemical reaction between metal and power solutions with electrical characteristics touching her.


Geochemical studies:


These studies are implemented in direct method for oil during the first phase of drilling, especially if you find evidence of oil on the surface of the Earth, as a result of the migration of some hydrocarbons from the reservoir of oil or natural gas under pressure is relatively high and driven to the surface.
Geochemical studies aim to identify classes that can generate oil, petroleum reservoir rock, and determine the types of hydrocarbons from oil or gas or condensate.


Exploration drilling:


The following geophysical and geochemical studies which lead to the identification of the most appropriate places likely to be productive fields, beginning with the first exploratory wells drilled called Wild Cat Well, according to the scientific assessment of the excavation site and the required depths, and the types of devices that are used in the well bore, and then record the results in a registration document Well Logging, which include determining the types and thicknesses of layers and thickness, and estimate the ages of rocks according to fossils found in each layer by electrical resistance measurements of radioactivity and the spread of ultrasound, density, and completed Natural characteristics such as permeability, porosity and chemical properties. And follow-up analysis of cores go through exploratory well in order to know and identify the sequence of layers of sedimentary rock in the oil fields.

The method of registering wells:

A wide use before oil drilling during and after drilling to determine the physical properties of various layers underground, through a variety of gauges in airdrop wells to determine the electrical resistivity, voltage and effectiveness, speed of sound, density, magnetic properties and natural gamma rays and photons, or generating gamma response to eject neutrons.