For what have you bought a metal detector ? In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about For what have you bought a metal detector ? Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.
For what have you bought a metal detector ?
Find treasures interview continues in this matter , and with the significant increase of the number of treasure hunters , and for more researchers who are interested in buying, selling and exchange of coins of value- material prices, as well as historical value , search for treasures still a hobby era.
What is the purpose of buying a metal detector ?
Many are looking at the forums and metal detectors sites for the best metal detector , why? There are many reasons to buy a metal detector , but it may be the most important make money, and would not want to earn money, especially as we hear the stories of the many to find the treasure , it is sufficient to find the treasure and one to change our lives for the better , is worth a metal detector all this fuss , and is actually a treasure can be found , it is not surprising nor is impossible to find a treasure seeker , but all of these things need to extra costs , buy a metal detector and buy a variety of coil, old maps , sleepwear, … . etc. .
There is no doubt that the hobby search for treasures work fun , especially if you search in open areas , and the villages of old, abandoned houses, ancient ways important zones abandoned is the best place to look , away from the hustle of the city. This site wrote many articles about the whereabouts of treasures all of these articles find it in the General topics .
Of course, the treasure hunters are different. There are those who base to achieve personal gain , but in order to make gasoline , to update the device. Can safely be called as the most genuine fishermen , is self-centered, with a pure spirit . And never drill in places where it is prohibited , will not destroy the graves and memorials . So I borer , although I originally bought the device just to earn money on the search with a metal detector . And now I have only one thing – to go out with colleagues in some of the abandoned villages and wandering in nature , and waving a stick , dig effects, found the coins, and if you ‘re lucky – a treasure .
If you are lucky to find the treasure – the first thing you think is sold , of course , few of us may be kept for historical value. Need money in our lives , for example, updated metal detectors . We have to live every second and look in nature gives us something that is lacking even in everyday life – emotions and adventures. Search with a metal detector – is romantic in the end.
Find the treasure and drilling is not to gain material only , you may interested in many winning or physical , but there are interested in history and ancient civilizations, we must not forget we dig the ground in search of treasure, that possess morality does not dig graves, and archeological sites of historical , but just search with the device metal detectors cause curiosity and continue to discover the unknown . even just dig to search for an ancient coin , owning a metal detector is the beginning of the road to the researchers, all new researchers and novices they initially choose a low cost and good at the same time .
I recommend this device for beginners, ACE 150 metal detector, ACE 250 metal detector, MINELAB T305, there are some more advanced models such as, MINELAB 705,MINELAB 505, GTI 2500. good luck.
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