Investment Hedge Funds In the category investing in gold more articles and learn more information about Investment Hedge Funds Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.
Investment Hedge Funds
Hedge fund – is an investment partnership that invests in the most securities and derivative financial instruments. Some of the funds and work in the commodity markets . All depends on the purpose and direction of the funds themselves . Hedge funds have one peculiarity : they are given the chance to earn income and favorable period of the stock market and the unfavorable period .
Since hedge fund – is a private investment partnership , then there is a limit on the terms of individual investors. Their number can not exceed 99 people . And at least 65 people from this number should have a special status of ” accredited .” This gets the status , whose contribution exceeds a certain level . Its level may well be one million dollars. In addition, the investor making the kind of money required to prove that they had not the last .
Offshore hedge fund – is a mutual fund that is a resident of a preferential tax territories. It may be, for example , Bermuda . Such a fund , technology investment , no different from hedge funds. Although , there are to be differences. But they are not always visible . The main difference – the entrance to the partnership, and recovery from, the transparency of the income distribution .
Usually have minimal risks Bills U.S. Federal Reserve . All remaining instruments are considered high risk , and that relate to the income received , and investments themselves .
Currently, hedge funds are pouring more of their traditional instruments . Such funds are good because they have a focus on absolute return . That is, the income will be in any case , regardless of the market situation.
Key success factor – opacity and limited reporting of hedge funds . It sometimes scares investors. The basis of all hedge funds – low efficient market. A factor market failure – not enough information to get some investors on the activities of others.
The term ” hedge funds ” is quite common , including many investment strategies with varying degrees of risk and different behavior in market conditions. It is allowed to combine different strategies with low correlation ( or at all negative) in one fund that has the best balance of risk and return.
There are also index hedge funds – a kind of way to reduce unsystematic risk .
Often the question is how and to what a hedge fund is best to invest in? They have a variety of strategies and risk including . The minimum amount for investment is 10 000 euros. But for citizens of the CIS , this amount increased to 100 000 euros. But if you want to invest smaller amounts , you can use the bank. That is , you need to open an account in a foreign bank and identify him instructions for the purchase of securities from a hedge fund . In this case, the client will need to make only 10 000 or 20 000 euros. Investment period – from 6 years and up to 10 years . And this is taking into account the provision of guarantees that the capital will be saved .
In general , hedge funds do not actually considered risky in terms of investment and provide more attractive for investors. Typically, these hedge funds are considered as conservative , but at the same time are potentially highly profitable financial instruments.
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