search for treasures Locator DDSL6 Ultimate

search for treasures Locator DDSL6 Ultimate In the category Metal Detectors more articles and learn more information about search for treasures Locator DDSL6 Ultimate Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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search for treasures Locator DDSL6 Ultimate


30% more powerful than the standard remote Locator DDSL6, suitcase Peli and Panel in gold color. The ultimate Locator! Reaching impressive 60-70 meters depth and detects objects by about 6-7 km distance.


This is the top technology for distant search, which allows for accurate positioning of gold, silver, copper, bronze, lead, iron, diamonds, gold nuggets and other programmed metals. This apparatus is a leader in its class.


Special was developed to search for precious metals, which are buried or lost long time ago.


The appliance allows to search for gold nuggets and many other materials. This system has a special Quartz filter frequencies and allows to search for gold and silver with different content , which is an extra advantage for seekers of treasure. This is one tool that emits a stabilized quartz frequency with an accuracy of 1 Hz, which allows for precise searching.

search for treasures Locator DDSL6 Ultimate



The system is equipped with microprocessor control and software that allows management of the crystal frequency. The operator can program the this precise tool for searching a variety of metals using various methods of programming i.e. memorization of certain frequencies or frequency control in work, or their use by alternation.


The operator can verify the signal strength of the reflection that is created by the transmitter, using a specially-made electronic baguettes. Albeit under different earthly conditions with varying degrees of mineralization, this digital Crystal-stabilized system gives superb results and in such heavy soils.


This tool includes human participation and hence all measurements at different operators can give varying degrees of sensitivity. Example: If one operator can detect with this appliance 1 kg Gold to 3 km, another may achieve a score of not more than 2 km ahead. It’s the same with the depth of work: If the first operator has discovered 1 kg Gold at 30 m depth, the other with lesser experience could find the same amount of gold 20 m depth. This tool, due to its precision and power gives the possibility to work and to people who have never used the  tools. To this precision appliance there are big enough and with enough explanation Guide for work.


The appliance is tested in various corners of the world from different people on different terrains and due to the quality of hardware and software equipment has given positive results. In a time of a test demonstration in freely chosen area accidentally discovered 50 kg Gold in the 60 m deep in the cave complex.


Hundreds are examples of found small quantities of finds of gold and silver.


This appliance is a mandatory tool for professional treasure hunters and mining companies.


The device has an additional channel, in which the user can program the frequencies for different types of metals and minerals, including searching for cavities and water.