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Tomb of Alexander the Great
The first biography of Alexander the Great came 400 years after his death. Too outstanding gains made this genius of military affairs to time prevented historians reliably reproduce them in his writings. The only thing that still do not know the people – where is the tomb of Alexander the Great.
It is understandable. Great people are able to influence the world, even being dead. Christians venerate the relics of saints, which are a kind of physical evidence of the divine presence. Embalmed body of communist leaders, as well as hands Ernesto Che Guevara in Havana mausoleum-support viability of revolutionary ideas. In the case of Alexander the Great was the question that the possession of his body would mean the succession of power in the empire he created, and thus were inevitable intrigue.
Alexander went to his death without fear of it, and with reverence. Almost all the battles he had met the enemy face to face, his body was spotted by scars, and because the soldiers followed him, felt a sense of invulnerability. Especially Alexander imbued with respect to death, when he met with the Egyptian culture.
It is undisputed that in ancient Egypt, the cult of death was developed, as nowhere else. This practice of mummification, and the erection of the most magnificent tombs – the pyramids, and beautiful legends about the afterlife.
Alexander came to Egypt colossal human mind. Intellectual, thinker. During military campaigns he continued correspondence with Aristotle, put in the field of drama by Euripides. That is not to think that he was obsessed psychopath, susceptible only to the exotic, bright, beautiful. Worth at least introducing them to a single monetary system for its empire. Only in the twentieth century European world echoed something similar, finding its own currency – the euro.
Resistance from the Egyptians, Alexander met. He banished from the land of evil destroyers of the Persians, and therefore was considered almost a God-given ruler-deliverer. In 331 BC they had taken a trip down the Nile, during which it so mesmerized location and nature on the border of Egypt and the Mediterranean states that he proclaimed the founding of the town here called Alexandria.
Then Alexander made an expedition to the oasis of Siwa. The path was deadly, should overcome 300 kilometers of barren desert. As a result, it happened that on the road somewhat squad Alexander left without water. Last its supply, lapped at the bottom of the helmet, Alexander poured in the sand and that inspired the soldiers to go further. One person would get drunk, and all was too little. Commander showed himself an equal among equals.
Half-dead warriors reached the oasis of Siwa, where among the lush greenery of the ancient temple stood. It’s the Alexander sought. Priests met the commander dressed in white festive clothes, and the High Priest said, “Blessed be the son of Amon!” These words were the most important for Alexander, they encouraged it.
Confident now in its divine origin, Alexander sent troops in Mesopotamia, took Babylon, moved to India and there, winning victory after victory, drank poison … Thus he committed ritual prescribed for the greatest of men – to die in its heyday. At the time of his death he was only 33 years.
Empire exploded wars. People wept with grief and simultaneously cut each other in internecine wars. Alexander’s body was embalmed Egyptian priests specially arrived. Two years it had been in the palace rooms, until one of the loyalists of the deceased, Ptolemy, not cleared by the body, received the status of the main heir.
Before his death, Alexander bequeathed to bury him in Siwa, but Ptolemy initially ignored the data will. He sent the body to Alexandria after Alexander take over the empire meant to say goodbye to a symbol of power.
The funeral procession was a spectacle unimaginable. Especially for Greek marble sarcophagus engineer Philippe produced colossal chariot with columns of ivory and canopy, jeweled in the manner of a starry sky. In order to drive it, it took 64 mule. First came detachments builders who erected paved roads and bridges. Behind the chariot army paraded many thousands dead, consisting of cavalry, infantry and soldiers in combat elephants.
Ptolemy has not lost. In Alexandria rushed thousands and thousands of pilgrims. Alexandria became a city of cities. Her glory faded only when the Roman Septimius Severus, a soldier emperor ordered immured tomb. Since then, no one had the good fortune to see the mummy of Alexander the Great.
Currently, Muslims believe that the mausoleum of Alexander is under the mosque of the prophet Daniel, which is located on the same street. Archaeologists have not yet verified the authenticity of this tradition, but recently they found a flooded town in the abandoned Eastern port of Alexandria. Pomp and splendor statues structures suggest that the bottom is hidden royal residence, where exactly can rest the body of Alexander.
Much more interesting discovery was made in 1990 by the Greeks. They decided to try their luck in the legendary Siwa and found there an extraordinary underground complex with a mysterious tomb in the center of it. Greeks gasped, seeing that there is a bas-relief with a personal symbol of Alexander and stelae, covered with inscriptions on behalf of Ptolemy …! In these writings of Ptolemy reports that finally fulfilled the will of the commander to be buried in Siwa. Alas, the Egyptian authorities have categorically forbidden archaeologists take granite slab from the tomb itself. Why banned – a mystery.
However, the most amazing version of the whereabouts of the grave of Alexander is the one uttered prophetess Vanga. One day she was visited by a strange man who wanted to decipher the hieroglyphs on a dilapidated piece of paper. Wang did not help him, but after his departure beckoned to her niece Krasimir Stoyanov and informed her that the characters talk about writing, which in turn are inscribed on the inside magnificent stone coffin.
This coffin was supposedly buried in the earth two thousand years ago on the territory of modern Bulgaria. It is interesting that the Bulgarian Pella was once the capital of Macedonia! Wang also told his niece that the letter, written in a coffin, talk about what happened in ancient times, and what will happen in the future.
Well, perhaps, the prophetess spoke specifically about the tomb of Alexander the Great. And letters adorning his coffin, fraught with secrets that gave Alexander the Egyptian priests at Siwa. Anyway, as assured Wang, mankind is not ready to know these truths.