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ancient chinese buddhist paintings ancient china buddhism religion In the category ancient civilization Many people are interested in knowledge and learning about many subjects, this knowledge may be vital at some point in your life, attention enough, and dive into more detail in regards to ancient chinese buddhist paintings ancient china buddhism religion.
The Original name of Buddhism is Buddhadharma (translated from Sanskrit, the ancient Indian language, meaning "Buddha's teaching"). Buddhism originated in ancient India in the 6TH B.C. and passed a long path of development, becoming one of the world's religions.

The Founder of the teaching of Tsarevich Sarvarthassiddha (Skt. "Fulfilled the aspirations of all"), abbreviated Siddhartha, was the son of the ruler of the state in northern India with the capital in Kaplavasta (now in the territory of Nepal). The Generic name Siddhartha is Gautam (SKr. "Descendant of Gotham") comes from his legendary ancestor-Sage Gotamus. The Prince's Affiliation to the Aryan tribe of Shakyev is reflected in his name, Shakyamuni (SKr. "The Ascetic from Shakev"). At The age of 29, Siddhartha left the house and devoted himself to finding a path that would free the world from suffering.
Most scholars believe that Buddha Shakyamuni is a real person. By Checking the data of the canonical Buddhist texts (the first centuries before the new era) and the historical Chronicles of Sri Lanka (created during the 1St Millennium A.D.) with the date of the events in the Edict of Tsar Ashoka (III century B.C.), the researchers concluded that Shakyamuni lived, rather Between 560 and 480. BC and belonged to Varne Kshatriev.

Buddha denied the Varn system (a term denoting the four main estates of ancient Indian society). He taught the representatives of all social strata and in his sermons spoke about the problems of the common human-suffering and ways to overcome it. Suffering in Buddhism acts as a synonym for being. The Essence of Buddhism is expressed in the "Four Noble Truths": every existence is suffering; Suffering has a cause; Suffering can be overcome; There is a way to overcome this suffering. The Cause of the suffering Buddha considered ignorance-it pushes to the perpetration of clouded actions leading to new births. Overcoming means eliminating ignorance. The Buddha-figure "The Octal noble Way" and leads to this achievement.