metal detectors for gold


universal external antenna Universal antenna is a completely new tool that has been developed as a result of several years of research. If you have previously used instruments of dowsing, you will immediately notice the positive response and the increase of the accuracy of its Universal antenna.   This is made possible by a combination […]

Dowsing rods – How Does Dowsing Rods Work

الطريقة الصحيحة لاستخدام اسياخ النحاس
Dowsing rods and effective in search for treasures Dowsing rods and effective in search for treasures The subject of dowsing rods subject synaptic some researchers don’t believe in dowsing rods actively searching for treasures buried in the ground, and some believed that the dowsing rods are sometimes the best detectors deployed at markets, and by […]

how to use dowsing rods

How to deal with dowsing tool
How To Make Dowsing Rods Best Metal For Dowsing Rods Buy Dowsing Rods Dowsing Rods For Sale Dowsing Rods Paranormal How Does Dowsing Rods Work How Dowsing Rods Work Best Material For Dowsing Rod Dowsing Copper Dowsing Rods Dowsing Pendulum Divining Rod. The most important part of running a dowsing instrument is the position of […]

electronic dowsing rod circuit diagram

electronic dowsing rod circuit diagram
metal detectors and General electronic instruments, however, Dowsing to find hoards and treasure the work with pendulum Work is performed on a map, is no worse than map or diagram-plan Work with shaped rods or V-shaped core by type, dowsing device, detection of geopathic zones. With all the confusion of a flowchart-circuits diagram of this […]

How to use a pendulum for beginners

Tips on using a pendulum
How to use a pendulum for beginners,A group of pendulums for beginners polarized positively don’t have radiation, which can negatively affect a person that works with it. Recommended for training, is also used for testing food products, medicinal herbs, signs of radiation leaks, reading charts. The spiritual leader of using the pendulum divination for healing […]

Dowsing pendulum rock crystal on a chain

Dowsing pendulum rock crystal on a chain
Dowsing pendulum rock crystal on a chain. Rhinestone – variety of quartz , the most common trace element Earth. Rhinestone makes a person multiplies his abilities. It helps develop and sensory abilities , facilitates telepathic contact , gives a person the ability to communicate at a distance with live objects .     In ancient […]

Pendulum dowsing for green aventurine

Pendulum dowsing for green aventurine
Pendulum dowsing for green aventurine In ancient times believed that Aventurine is directly linked to the lunar magic and its impact on human changeable attributed this regard . Moon affects a person in many ways.     First, depending on the phase in which it is located ( waxing , full , waning , dark […]

Pendulum rose quartz has a dynamic force

Pendulum rose quartz has a dynamic force
Pendulum rose quartz has a dynamic force. Increases the strength prediction . Pendulum can be used for dowsing , and as a mascot . Pendulum rose quartz better able to determine the other negative and favorable areas of the house .     What questions are answered pendulum : – Love in all its directions; […]

Stones and Zodiac

Semiprecious stones names Encyclopedia of gemstones
Stones and Zodiac Millennium observing the constellations have allowed the ancient magicians and priests to identify the relationship between them, certain minerals , and people born under this or any other constellation . There are several classifications matching precious stones . Below is one of the most common . Highlighted stones , bringing the maximum […]

Aspects of dowsing in relation to the instrument search

Aspects of dowsing in relation to the instrument search What is Dowsing ? It is a congenital or developed the ability to detect the presence of workouts in the ground water or metal ….. any traces of bygone centuries. Generally that dowsing does not use metal detectors and all electronic instruments , however , consider […]

how the pendulum works

how the pendulum works
based on the ability of the operator to detect only gold – silver . It requires no battery to operate . The pendulum is the choice of many Species as the size is such that it can be placed on the shirt or pocket if you want the jacket. There are many places where research […]

How to deal with dowsing tool

How to deal with dowsing tool
The phenomenon of oxidation of soil has employed many dowsing with negative comments , I have heard many who use dowsing instruments to report that in a survey and had identified target by following all procedures of measurements in the excavation be nothing . So beyond quickly flimsy excuse not to expose themselves to the […]

How does dowsing

How does dowsing
 How does dowsing The Dowsing is a science which deals with research , discoveries and intuitions and different radiation effects which we can not see with the naked eye. It is natural radiation, ie geopathitikes ( groundwater , mineral deposits , etc.) and technical radiations coming from various objects created by man shapes of buildings, […]

Where to buy dowsing rods

Where to buy dowsing rods Dowsing rods used since antiquity, and before we talk about where to buy the dowsing rod, let’s look at the way they operate to many people, dowsing rods have been used for centuries by the brokers and the people who are trying to find underground water sources, and I found […]

parallel Pair rod

parallel Pair rod
parallel Pair rod Pair parallel rods brass length 30 cm by 12.5 cm   The phenomenon of dowsing finds its origin in the witchcraft, consisting of using a Hazel wand that is maintained between the hands and placed in a horizontal position relative to the Earth, forming a right angle with the body of the […]

divining rod

divining rod
divining rod According of many books and ancient evidence, the pendulum would exist since the time of the Egyptian Pharaohs.   Are also often used in the middle age with the use of chopsticks.       Why the pendulum resists time? I am often asked this question, because we like it or not, this […]

The correct way to use dowsing rods

الطريقة الصحيحة لاستخدام اسياخ النحاس
The correct way to use dowsing rods There is no doubt that the use of dowsing rods to search for gold and treasures underground is a good thing, especially if you find this method sufficient attention and constant development.     I watched a video on YouTube, and I liked the idea in goal setting, […]

Energy & dowsing

Pendulum search for treasures and burials, gold
Energy & dowsing What is the internal energy, and how we can use it properly in order to bring us the positive results that we want in relation to the art of rabdoskopias. All the living organisms need to have a certain level of energy to operate the course our bodies smoothly, something like internal […]

Dowsing rods and effective in search for treasures

طريقة استخدام اسياخ النحاس للبحث عن الذهب
Dowsing rods and effective in search for treasures   The subject of dowsing rods subject synaptic some researchers don’t believe in dowsing rods actively searching for treasures buried in the ground, and some believed that the dowsing rods are sometimes the best detectors deployed at markets, and by the experiences of people I know with […]

How to Use Dowsing Rods

parallel Pair rod
How to Use Dowsing Rods   Dowsing helps or divining rods have had a few different uses throughout record. The most typical use for them is to find undercover resources of regular the the water, such as carried gaps or regular the the water choices. There are even Dowsers on certain govt payrolls who identify […]
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