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who unified upper and lower egypt into one empire quizlet In the category ancient civilization Many people are interested in knowledge and learning about many subjects, this knowledge may be vital at some point in your life, attention enough. and dive into more detail in regards to who unified upper and lower egypt into one empire quizlet.
How was it possible to unite in the mighty empire of the Kingdom of Upper and Lower Egypt? Scientists believe that they have found the answer to this question.

Much is known About ancient Egypt, but the process of its occurrence is understood poorly. The Main controversial questions: How on the Nile first appeared, and then merged into a single power two independent kingdoms, Upper and Lower Egypt? An Important key to secrecy is the schematic image on the rock of Scorpio (see below image), possibly scratched by a warrior in battle. This symbol and the story told by him seem to take us to the ruler, which is called "The King of Scorpio."

By 5000 BC ancestors of Egyptians lived in small villages where now desert, and then there was a savannah. There were enough small lakes Around, from where in the rainy season flowed a lot of those who had fallen into the great Nile River (Wadi). Among The rock paintings of that era are images of hippos and crocodiles. In those places where now dry gorges, swam boats with people and goods. Each village was a tiny state, often with its own deity, or rather, a totem-animal or plant. Archeologists find Such images on the excavated cult objects and ceramics. It is likely that the variety of these totems was the basis of a complex ancient pantheon, which included many zoomorphic bots.
A Symbol of unity. For Thousands of years the Pharaohs had two crowns: white, in the form of Skittles, and red, similar to the bucket,-Upper and Lower Egypt, respectively. They were worn on one or each other, as if emphasizing one of the royal titles-"Ruler of the two countries." But who united Egypt under its rule?

Fighting for the dying Nile

By the middle of the IV millennium BC there were many in such "villages-states" Skirmishes because of the land forced them to unite in alliances-about 20 arose in Lower Egypt, ie in the Nile Delta, and 22-in the Upper.

At the same Time, Upper Egypt faced an environmental crisis-so serious that it could quite lead to wars that ended the unification of the country. Geological data indicate the beginning of the drying of small reservoirs-the landscape, especially to the east of the Nile, is still indented by the former River Russlami. Obviously, this has caused food shortages. People were forced to move to the valley of the Greatest river, and also to go to the north, in the Delta, where inevitably faced with the inhabitants of the villages of Lower Egypt.