Are the devices that are used to detect minerals affect pregnancy?

Are the devices that are used to detect minerals affect pregnancy? In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about Are the devices that are used to detect minerals affect pregnancy? Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Are the devices that are used to detect minerals affect pregnancy?
I stand by the end of the third month, and studying at the University, because of the security conditions were searched at the door the whole device used airports like sticks or a rectangle which reveals the metal, they searched all entering the gate, do him harm to pregnancy especially in the beginning?!
Are the devices that are used to detect minerals affect pregnancy?
Please note that I am me five days per week, this device work exactly? Do the rays even if its passed? Does it harm the fetus? Because people say don’t make it no rays damage, others say the opposite, I’m afraid of it and was thinking of dropping out of school for this reason, especially that time every day.
Much of the spread of metal detection devices for security reasons, both in airports, universities, governmental and non-governmental centres, and these devices either fixed or mobile such as sticks using the low frequency electromagnetic field.
Exposure is safe, both by ordinary people or pregnant women in every pregnancy, and all devices that use electricity or electromagnetic waves are produced and even electrical appliances such as a microwave oven, computer, television, mobile and others, all with the same principle as the waves and devices that use metal detectors including electric batons which pass on the body use the same principle to produce electromagnetic field.
And ancient and modern studies have confirmed the safety of these devices and deal with it, and it doesn’t damage them at all, they do not use x-ray or x-rays used in hospitals for medical purposes, as it’s not nuclear radiation.
There’s no need to fear and trust and your followers what you be exposed to its inspection before the University these devices safe pregnancy is around you in your everyday life at home and in many forms and are indispensable.