A Google Maps search option has been added to treasures

A Google Maps search option has been added to treasures In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about A Google Maps search option has been added to treasures Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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A Google Maps search option has been added to treasures


Although the 21st century, has so far remained lovers treasure search category. So much so that not all the treasures are found, and to ancient maps with the location of sunken ships there is still a lot of interest.

A Google Maps search option has been added to treasures



Google announced a new feature map service Google Maps, which for sure will be useful for finding treasure. In service mode appeared Treasure Mode “(treasure), which allows you to check which of the CLADES are found nearby.


Reportedly, members of the staff team of Google Maps Street View Team September 16, 2012 could be found during the expedition to Madagascar ancient maps known pirate Captain William Kidd.


Video details how to use this feature. In some cases, you will need to have several mobile devices, or even hold a laptop over a fire (as earlier kept card over a campfire, to have secret signs). But there is hope that the costs will be recouped in case of finding treasure. And there is a risk that did not pay off — choose the desired setting.