Choosing jewelry Which is better gold or platinum

Choosing jewelry Which is better gold or platinum In the category gold discovery more articles and learn more information about Choosing jewelry Which is better gold or platinum Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.


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Choosing jewelry Which is better gold or platinum

When buying jewelry is often a dilemma what to choose – gold or platinum . We list the main characteristics of speaking in favor of platinum.

1. Rarity. Ratio for the year produced platinum and gold is 1 to 25 (of the year produced 200 tons of platinum , and the average size of gold production – 2500 tons)

2 . Cost . At a cost per gram platinum rhodium second only , but it in the jewelry industry is not used. This is how the production and location of deposits of platinum . The average platinum worth 2-3 times more gold.

3 . Nobility of the metal. Due to its physical properties , Platinum allows to make products with a high percentage of the precious metal – up to 95 %. That is a sample platinum jewelry – 950 , while that of gold , due to the high brittleness of the pure metal , highest purity products – 750. But the most common products are 585. Purity indicates how many extraneous metals contained in the product . Thus, in a platinum product their share of only 5%.
Choosing jewelry Which is better gold or platinum  The most expensive metals on Earth
4 . Weight of metal. Bulk density of platinum – 21.5 g/cm3 , while gold – 19.32 g/cm3. As a result, products made ​​of platinum are more severe for the same amount .

5 . Strength. Compared to products made of gold, platinum rings are deformed easily. They are extremely difficult to scratch or damage . This makes reliable platinum precious stone . Durability gold products give impurity metals .

6. Plasticity. Unlike gold platinum high ductility . For example, a gram of platinum wire is stretched to a length of up to 2 kilometers. While gold, the same weight can be spread out over 3 kilometers.

7. Chemical resistance . One of the main properties of platinum as the precious metals and the majority is the chemical inertness. Action Environmental platinum is not a destructive nature. Platinum does not dissolve when exposed to strong acids and alkalis . Needed to dissolve the platinum “royal ” vodka – a mixture of the strongest acid : nitric and hydrochloric .

8. Refractoriness . Among the platinum metal has a very high melting temperature – 1769 degrees (gold melts at 1339 degrees)

9. Biological inertness . Wearing a long platinum products can not cause allergies due to low content of impurities . In gold jewelry fraction of impurities can reach 25 %, and nickel is often used in this capacity, is capable of causing metallosis .

10 . Color. Silvery white platinum color blends perfectly with diamonds. White gold – an alloy that may eventually turn yellow .