Classification of holders of physical gold

Classification of holders of physical gold In the category investing in gold more articles and learn more information about Classification of holders of physical gold Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Classification of holders of physical gold

Classification of holders of physical gold



The World Gold (CMO) Council has recently published a report detailed and costed in the matter of the global ranking of countries the most important physical gold reserves holders. First of all, remember that this ranking includes only countries having agreed to communicate, on a regular basis, their holdings of gold. Will therefore automatically excluded from this listing the countries refused to transmit data on their reserves, during the past six months.


United States 8133,5 tons
Germany 3391.3 tonnes, note that these reserves place it at the top of European countries.
IMF 2814 tonnes (International Monetary Fund)
Italy 2451,8 tonnes
France 2435,4 tonnes
China 1054,1 tons, world’s leading producer of yellow metal
Switzerland 1040,1 tonnes
Russia 969,9 tonnes
Japan 765.2 tonnes
Netherlands 612,5 tons