Selecting security cameras

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Selecting security cameras

We currently need to incorporate safety elements to our home or business, obviously before that nothing we need to do an analysis of what are really needed. Market today offers us a variety of functions and teams, and we end up purchase equipment or very economical offering us solution instantly, or very expensive without getting to know the multiple functions that we offer.
Selecting security cameras

Selecting security cameras

What to keep in mind to select a security camera?

The first thing to determine is if the surveillance will be for the home or for business, and the amount of security cameras that we need. Consider that currently most of the systems already you can see directly on your computer, but the connections vary, an option is connected directly to the internet switch, and the other option that we offer is through digital video recorders so to store everything you will be capturing camera.


Secondly, according to the use that is intended to give to the security camera, there are different models available:


There are cameras for interior and exterior, from the outside obviously bring greater protection against Sun, rain, dust and temperature changes.
Low resolution, the resolution refers to the image quality that will have the camera.
Fixed or with movement
With zoom, solarpur, for the night
Cameras offering movements of pan, tilt and approach or PTZ calls for its acronym in English (tilting, panning & zooming) these cameras accompanied by a keyboard so you set the movements that make automatically during the day.
These security cameras have different facilities, and can send by mail the pictures taken and detect movements, among other things. The degree of definition achieved is such that can read the plate of a car 200 meters, for example.


Another important point to select is whether it will have independent monitor and everything is going to want to watch on your computer. The monitor is recommended for when there is a guardhouse and the guards are alert to the cameras, there are 10 small monitors – 14 “, but to hinder the activities of monitoring; an appropriate monitor goes from 17 “in front.


To conclude this brief explanation, we know that cameras today in day market is very large and offers are excellent; you have to be very specific in defining what we need and want for an efficient security system; a very common error that occurs is “… that recorded all day camera and so check the events during the night…”, actually going to take the time you or a guard to watch 8 hours of recording?, would be wasting valuable time, that giving a good use to the system only can do it.