Archaeological sites in Jordan

Archaeological sites in Jordan In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about Archaeological sites in Jordan Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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What is the famous archeological site in Jordan?

the most famous archaeological site in Jordan is Petra.

The National Geographic article states that “the crowning glory of ancient Jordan is Petra, the exquisite city carved into the rock by those mysterious incense traders, the Nabateans.”

The Archiqoo article lists Petra as one of the major archaeological sites in Jordan.

The AFAR article also highlights Petra as a must-visit historical site in Jordan, describing it as a “triumphant temple remains or grand Roman roads.”

The article from specifically lists Petra as the “famous for its rock-cut architecture and water conduit system” archaeological site in Jordan.

So based on the consistent emphasis across multiple authoritative sources, the most famous and significant archaeological site in Jordan is undoubtedly the ancient city of Petra, carved into the rock by the Nabatean people.

Touristy places in Jordan

Very beautiful area is one of the seven wonders of Peter

As Petra

Petra is one of the most beautiful locations in the world and is the most beautiful archaeological sites in Jordan where the Nabateans inhabited in 400 BC and was the capital at the time

Also called the pink city because its tend to color pink.

In Petra there are seven eyes hit Moses peace be upon his Rod wanfgrh these springs

In the ancient city of Petra is no tomb of Aaron, peace be upon him

There are many attractions such as

Siq: narrow area and very beautiful

There is also a great place is safe


The ancient Nabataean tombs

Included in the city

Tombs of the Kings

Gate columns

And many other landscapes