Assessment of investment risk in transactions in the financial market

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Assessment of investment risk in transactions in the financial market – Assessment of investment risk should be done with any investment in financial market instruments that somehow bring about a certain or uncertain risk. This is one of the basic laws of the financial market , which should always be kept in mind when any financial investment. Sad, but very often uncomprehending investors require a minimum guarantee breakeven. And builders pyramid schemes take advantage of this promising investors do not even break even investments, and fixed monthly rate of return , which is a violation of the basic and most important law of the financial market .


Assessment of investment risk in transactions in the financial market Treasure Security Investment

Of course, sooner or later , cash payments begin to exceed the inflow of deposits . At this point, the founders of the pyramid disappear . Return the money in this case is almost impossible. Investors often require no warranties or breakeven profitability. Reasonable merchants and financial companies always say that do not give any guarantees and promise nothing . They understand that otherwise it would be cheating on their part.

In developed countries, most of the population is capable of conducting a qualitative assessment of investment risk, which carry investments in financial institutions and instruments . In addition, the strict control of financial companies and in case of any violations imposed huge fines . All of these actions contribute to the correct high level of development .

Of course, from time to time there are crooks, but they show up and severely punished. In our country , unfortunately, we do not see such actions , however, and financial market development is poor. First of all , it concerns the regulation of financial institutions, control the quality of services and protect against fraud .

Another important law of the financial market is as follows : the higher the potential return , the higher the investment risk of full or partial loss of the initial investment . Here it is necessary to assess investment risk , that is to realize losses that you are willing to incur , and what rate of return you expect to get at this . Based on this , you need to select the appropriate financial instruments .

Too low yield unattractive , incurring a high risk of dangerous. Need a middle ground that each investor’s own . In any case , the risk is always present, but it must be carefully calculated and reasonable. After all, if no risk, you will not get anything . This is also to be understood .