CCTV camera with IR illumination

CCTV camera with IR illumination In the category information security systems more articles and learn more information about CCTV camera with IR illumination Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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CCTV camera with IR illumination


CCTV system is very interesting and varied , there are many varieties of video surveillance systems , conventional cameras to the most powerful thermal imaging systems with HD resolution and a large radius of action.


What is the difference between infrared cameras and conventional CCTV cameras ?
Infrared cameras are different from conventional cameras the presence of special infrared LEDs operating in the infrared range of light frequencies . Camera with infrared illumination automatically turns it on when lighting conditions change within view of the camera with a special , built-in photocell . At the same time , it automatically switches to black and white mode . In low light , this mode increases the brightness , contrast and clarity .

CCTV camera with IR illumination home security system reviews benefits of cctv security system

As for street surveillance systems , the camera with infrared illumination ( thermal ), even when the fog provides a clear image .


Camera with IR illumination


When purchasing a surveillance camera with infrared illumination must pay attention to a number of things . First of all pay attention to the range of IR illumination . In some cases, expensive surveillance system with infrared illumination is effective at an average distance of 20-40 meters.

If you do not take this into account , the picture may be distorted by various factors such as glare, because the infrared beam has a feature reflected from surrounding surfaces ( walls, etc. ) . The particular model of camera you need to do in the event that you have decided on her appointment .

CCTV camera with infrared illumination is more expensive than a regular camera , but no IR image is quite bright , and without it is not entirely clear. In such cases it is necessary to install the camera in which the sensitivity to light . The most expensive and advanced video surveillance system today is the long-range imager .

You can equip existing surveillance camera infrared illumination , in this case there may be some compatibility problems with equipment , auxiliary power IR illumination , etc.

The main advantage of the cameras with infrared illumination is their shooting in the day – night mode . Day they shoot in color , and at night in black and white . When the camera goes into ” Night ” , the work enters a special filter through which it receives the maximum number of rays of light in the infrared illumination .