Modify my film video to become my film photography in subsoil

Modify my film video to become my film photography in subsoil In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about Modify my film video to become my film photography in subsoil Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Method of modifying my film video to become my film photography in subsoil
You want my film video photography (video or my film)
Corrupted movie on alftgharavi photography or film for x-ray imaging for imaging fractures in hospitals
Number 10 infrared diode or diode laser 10 + 9 volt battery
Method of amendment
Open the lens cover located on the front of the alkimera we will find blue or colour slide, we bentzaaha and Sedki, place a small piece of film or special movie 2. x-ray and then we install alkimera
2_ we deliver 10 diode parallel with negative and positive special maraah bldiod then put aldiodat up alkimera so that the radiation outside them on Earth to msalt detect it
See pictures
What are portrayed in the ground by this way at night only and does photography in the day or in the light of the Sun
And God in the next topics will explain to you how modify lens cdroms to be connected with copper ion Imaging bars