Search for treasures at the metal detector

Search for treasures at the metal detector In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about Search for treasures at the metal detector Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Search for treasures at the metal detector

If a search of family treasure you suspect the presence of gold hidden on your property (ingots, napoleons, jewelry, ect…) and you want to use a specialist or detection, rapid response and discretion assured. Treasures detection problems for detectors because the electromagnetic signature gold is very close to that of aluminum, making it impossible to discrimination of metal waste found in large numbers in and around homes. This therefore requires the use of professional detection equipment, as well as a great experience for the setting and the use of the latter.

Search for treasures at the metal detector


Detect the native gold

A modern metal detector can feel a nugget to several tens of centimetres into the soil. However, for best results, should study the field, and in particular the degree of mineralization. If the degree of mineralization is low, a standard or VLF detector can be used, but if it is high, it will use an induction pulse, or failing a VLF with a programme especially dedicated for native gold. The gold lands in Africa are highly mineralized (presence of magnetite) and preferably require the use of a pulse induction metal detector.

The vlf

The best VLF for gold are appliances at high frequencies (between 14 khz to 18 khz) and equipped with a double detection head D. The main models are the Gold maxx power of Xp, the Minelab Xterra 705, At Garrett and Tesoro gold Easy gold. These sensors are suitable for gold in Europe (lost jewelry, gold coins) but are absolutely not suitable for native gold, because of the very strong mineralization of the goldfields, contrary to some stores. Single VLF metal detector suitable for native gold is the Xp Deus, because it has a program dedicated to the goldfields.

The inductions pulsed

They are unlike the VLF, insensitive to the mineralization of the soil. When the gold is highly mineralized, which is the case in Africa, only pulse induction devices will detect nuggets in the greatest depth. They are therefore the most suitable for the detection in Africa. The most used models up to now are produced by Minelab brand, it is the gpx 4500 and the gpx 5000. At the present time, it is these metal detectors models that offer the best performance in detection depth. Other brands also produce pulse induction detectors, but their performances are very far from the level of the minelab gpx series. However, the gpx are regularly out of stock, and very expensive cost. A good alternative is the purchase of a Deus from Xp, because its price is much lower, and its performance without beings also good that the Minelab gpx, are excellent on the goldfields, through the use of the ‘gold’ programme. A new model of pulse induction should emerge in the coming months. These performances should be at least as good as those of minelab gpx, and its lower price. If its performance is actually at the level of those of the gpx, I cannot fail to inform you.