search old coins

search old coins In the category Ancient coins more articles and learn more information about search old coins Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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search old coins


Certainly , all the time classes numismatics and collecting coins , you do not just think about the fact , where is possible to take coins for your collection and what are the ways for its replenishment ? To date, there are two basic ways to replenish the collection : buy coins (sharing with other numismatists ) and search for coins. Today I want to talk about one of these pathways , notably search coins.

Search coins – an exciting experience that has much in common with treasure hunting . The process of finding coins attracted the attention of many people , not only numismatists seeking coins for your collection , but also those people who know the true value of the coins and want to earn some money .

Search for classes of coins is necessary to know the places where they can be hidden , as well as a nice modern metal detectors. Such people are called treasure hunters . For most hunters , the coins are just the main findings as possible to find the treasure of the units , and it is very rare .

Coins are looking everywhere, in all available places : in the ground, in homes, in attics , in wells, in water bodies in ravines , on the beaches . Today, all modern treasure hunters are able to find coins in almost any field of specialization on a clear separation does not exist. For example , in place of an old abandoned village main place to look for coins will not only be the remaining foundations of houses , but also wells, gullies , conspicuous trees and stones , keys, etc. Of course, finding treasure is unlikely to succeed , but even find a rare coin can deliver a lot of positive emotions , more than the half-rotten trunk with copper coins . Successful search for coins is very important to know the basics of treasure hunting .

search old coins  Best metal detectors to search for coins

Naturally, most of the knowledge and experience comes directly during the search , but something can be found on the Internet at the library and diggers . If you do , something goes wrong in the first year of searching, do not despair , sit down and analyze their actions. And I’m sure the next year you will succeed .

Failures in searching for coins can be explained by the following reasons :

1. Lack of experience working with the metal ;

2 . The inability to accurately determine the favorable places for finding ;

3 . Lack of reliable information on potential sites treasuries ;

4 . Unwillingness to look long and hard , but simply laziness.

Only through long and persistent search can gain invaluable experience that will help you in the future accurately identify places where they can be hidden coins .


Search coins in an old building

Older buildings often hide a fortune , at least find a few coins is quite real. The buildings there are certain places where you can find a coin with almost 100 % probability. It may be someone accidentally lost or deliberately hidden coin treasure.

Sometimes, when construction of the building , as offerings to the spirits guarding the house, laid single coin : in the corners of the foundation, into the clutches of uterine logs, under window sills, under the sills, under some floorboards . This tradition is now widespread. Bookmark in such places are very diverse. This may simply be single coppers are generally large, and may be a solid amount of silver or gold. Judge of the antiquity of the building incorporated in it is not worth the coins , because sometimes the builders to erect the house , tried to lay the coins already released from the sphere of circulation , ie unnecessary .

Another type of hidden coins are specially those that have been set aside for a rainy day or in a ” troubled times .” Usually it is gold and silver coins , and in large quantities , have a good value. Such a finding can be called a treasure that can be sold to buy a car . Naturally, treasure, even with a good metal detector is quite hard to find. Among the main locations of coin hoards are known: the niche under the sill , caches in fireplaces , furnaces and walls , air vents . Sometimes also the treasure buried in the mound in attics and excavation dumps cellars. perhaps it’s all the main places , but the human imagination is limitless , so the treasure can be hidden in the simplest , but inconspicuous place .

Also, in older homes , quite often, you can find someone accidentally lost coin. Over the long history of the house it was certainly lost a lot of coins . I myself found in old buildings such coins . Among the main places to detect lost coins can be identified: the gaps between the walls and baseboards , the ground beneath the floorboards , cracks in the doors, the space between the inner walls and window casings , etc. Most of the coins were lost or pushed into a different slot young children. Basically this small change coins . Especially a lot of coins can be found in the ground under floors. Ideally, when an old building is no longer just the sexes. You in this situation is to take a shovel and iterate topsoil . Almost certainly, the deeper you dig , the more ancient coins will fall into your hands . Often the coins you can find in the interior window frames and door frames , so be sure to browse through these places . Children love to push the coins into all sorts of cracks.

In general, almost any old abandoned building and you can find some coins. The main thing to know where they can be hidden . When searching for coins in metal buildings are often proves useless , but the search experience will almost certainly help you not go without valuable finds .