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Smart Security


Protection systems

Do you need a home protection system?

Smart Security

Smart Security

To answer this question, you need to look at the specific environment and situation. So, try answering these questions:

• Do you live with your family in the same House?

• Do you have young children living with you?

• Do you have any property value?

• And most importantly, do you feel safe when lying in bed at night?


Answer “Yes” to any of these questions means you probably need to work hard to have a security system of some kind.


Types of home security systems


When you think about home protection system, an important issue you need to consider first. Do you want to discover the intruder or thief inside or outside your home? If you want to discover he’s still outside your home you will need to consider the system of protection of the outline. If you prefer to catch the Thief caught red-handed inside the House, it appears that the internal protection system will meet the purpose. Although you may find this question is illogical or perhaps is not clear, but there are rational justifications for both options.

Peripheral protection system


As noted above, this is the system that alarmed the thief before it enters your home. This type of system depends mainly on the use of connectors doors Windows are totally sealed glass break detectors. The moment you open the door or window, or broken glass, alarm is activated. As you know, most thieves prefer to stay away from threats including those homes with alarm systems. Therefore, the prospects for the return of the thief looks very slim.


There are two major problems associated with peripheral protection systems: the economic cost and the size of the system.


1) costs. The economic cost is a big factor in any system of protection, especially in the peripheral systems. If all door and window costs money, and every Conservatory, you can imagine the cost to start counting all external Windows and doors (up to the second floor window!). To give yourself a bit of accuracy, cost about 70 SAR doors connectors for each section, and 170 riyals for each break detector. Calculate the cost and it will give you a good idea of the economic feasibility of oceanic protection systems.


2) size. The size of the system is another important factor. The size of any protection system depends on the capacity of the Control Panel, the main Fund and personal preferences. For each control panel private capacity is measured by the number of protected areas zones. If you want to know the port through which the thief to break into your House (is it, for example, storage room or Board or door rear kitchen door), each window or door needs a protected area zone of its own.

For example, the number 1 zone # 1 is dedicated to the main door, the No. 2 zone # 2 for Windows, as the No. 3 zone # 3 for the garage door. Most systems designed for medium-sized homes ranging from a capacity of eight to ten protected areas. In some cases, you will need to expand the card expansion module. Perimeter protection systems, preferably the control panel advanced enough to be able to know the areas where you know exactly where the security breach occurred. Must take account of not only each system has this feature. The good thing is that if it is necessary to collect a range of Windows and doors in one protected area zone can be combined in the same area. When gets warning won’t know exactly which window live hack but you must guess the entry point used by the thief


Internal protection system


This type of protection systems aims to make your home a “trap” for the thief. Unlike peripheral protection system with all of its connectors for doors and Windows, adopt the rules of procedure on the use of Web beacons. As the name implies, the thief must be inside the building before any warning.


Believe it or not, there are two main reasons for internal protection systems than on the peripheral systems: simplicity and cost.


1) simplicity. Internal protection systems rely on the use of motion detectors simple installation. Using motion detectors wide-ranging vision capable of clearing large areas, you can create “safe areas” in the corridors and stairs.


2) costs. Generally, the internal protection system which consists of the movement detector is cheaper than external system which relies on the use of connectors in each door and window. Most high-quality motion detectors costing between 200 and 300 for each detector. So the House you will need between 15-20 connector for doors and Windows would require only 3-5 protection movement detector.


With all this, it is important to note that there are three main disadvantages to using internal protection systems: protect the inside only, work style, and allergies to pets.


1) to protect the inside only. With internal protection system, may be inside the House before the intruder alarm. Many people yzagm that, because they want that extra feeling of security by not allowing the intruder broke into the House without being monitored. This is particularly true for families with young children or expensive property.


2) style. Internal systems problem that you can’t use if there is no one inside the House. The only time to use motion detectors is when you are asleep or away. This may not be sufficient for protection if you live in a high crime area. In addition, the internal protection systems useless in the event of a domestic worker is moving in the House.


Smart Security

3) allergic to pets. This is the main reason that the owners of the animals away from the use of motion detectors. A paradox has leading technologies in this area: first, they provide special environmentally friendly movement detectors. These reagents are not only reveals the moving object weight 80 lbs. This allows most of the pet to move safely around the House without fear of warnings. The other is a small secure space allocation (about half a meter from the ground) that pet could pass without detection. But what if the infiltration of the area exploited low-thief? However, the best way to use motion detection in the presence of pets is to keep these animals away from movement detectors.
What is the best protection system for me?

The answer to this question lies in your security needs. Generally peripheral protection systems for those who:

• With small children
• Have great collectibles
• Live in high crime areas
• With a large budget
• Want to keep an intruder out of the House

Internal protection systems are optimized for the family:

• Rest for long periods away from home
• Large open rooms
• Has no seniors and no children
• With limited budget
And what about the built-in protection systems Hybrids?

Some wish to use a combination of both types of protection systems. You may want to protect certain areas or sections abroad, at the same time want to protect some of the Interior.

Here is a classic example:
For two-storey house, you may want to use connectors on the outer door, front window, heat and smoke detector in the kitchen, sprinkler movement in the main entrance and the stairs in the store. In this way the Court be cordoned perimeter entry points, and other sensitive areas is provided by the movement detectors. On this basis will not be a thief broke into the House to pass in the hallway or stairs without being monitored.

What are the main elements of the protection system?

basic components of home security systems

Control Panel Control Panel is the “brains” of the system of protection. The control panel is usually in a metal box and are often hidden from view (for example in the ceiling or under the stairs). Control Panel associated with every aspect of the warning system and provide energy and telephone peripherals (kkwashf movement and contactors of doors and Windows). Connect the control panel backup battery attached can trigger the system in case of power failure for up to 9 hours.

Keyboards usually placed near the door to let you run your system. Keep some models of keyboards with reports on the State of the system and the alarm time and the penetration, and give you the ability to control the system and change it from one State to another.

Motion detectors, or colloquially called PIR MD relies on one of the most effective and reliable security technologies. Motion detectors are working to protect open spaces for detecting moving objects in a given space through infrared sensor to changes in radiation levels which gets when the passage of any moving object in the protected area. There are ceiling detectors (360 degrees) and hooks (120 °) and are very cost effective and practical.

Sirens (internal and external) alerts you to these emergency situations through sound and light alarm. Voice and external siren design are very important because they are considered security external appearance gives a security message to thieves. Provide the most external siren metal box inside a plastic cover makes it resistant to water and humidity.

Magnetic connectors protect doors and Windows and consists of two separate units operate as a bipolar magnetic fields. Proving one of the units on the mobile part of the door and the door frame. Sensors Glassbreakers sensor technology adopts Windows audio waves caused by broken glass.
Home protection system is only the first step!

Other security accessories

Show today’s society often have home protection system is insufficient to protect your home. It is necessary to take a few extra steps to ensure the personal safety and security of your family. Some of these steps and accessories can reduce the probability of exposure your home for theft or intrusion.


The 2 elements that night intruders hate the most are light and noise!

Are all thieves hate them: light and noise.

Here is one of the simplest and most effective means of protection against theft: lighting dark areas on the wall of the House and in doorways.

If possible, make lights hangs on each side around your home. This will create a “light barrier” makes it very difficult for someone that tries to break into your home unnoticed. If the cost for you, focused on lighting and rear areas of the home and the garage. Usually the streets of residential areas well lit while the rear areas are usually dark, perhaps awalshgirat trees and makes them more darkness.

Can say that more than 70% of hackers breaking into houses by breaking doors. Always make sure that all external doors and entrances lit from outside. If someone wants to break into your House this way, you will be exposed to the light and is visible to neighbors and passersby.

High quality locks Deadbolts

A deadbolt is a necessity for every exterior door and a vital part of your security system.

For high quality locks deadbolts are a necessity for every door and a vital part of your home. It can break the regular door handle locks easily by forged or keys. High quality locks that will add an important element to the protection system in your home so that they can discharge strong security message to thieves and hackers.


Smart Security
As mentioned above, any external door needs a deadbolt deadbolt on the door. installing master not only protects you from the risk of theft, the thief will be able to find a back door lock it for normal kitchen or garage door.
There are two types of high quality locks-single cylinder and double cylinder. single cylinder used to lock the door from the inside only and you need to switch. Either double roller, they require the use of internal and external key to lock or unlock the door.
Note-to have high quality locks to be removed from your home risk of theft but it certainly won’t prevent it never like any security system. High quality locks can be broken with a little time and practice. So what you need to do is to buy extra time for a hacker to try to challenge your home protection devices. Whenever the duration of the longest, the less likely that nobody noticed. These locks can also deter hackers trying to attack and try to break into places easier.
 Mobil Security Module
Most security systems use local phone lines to report a warning. Some of those regulations relating to four sacks and some more or less. Without these lines you will not be able to know the status of the domestic protection system in your home. A thief has a bit of intelligence to cut the phone line before storming the House and you will not be able to know the status of the system in your home.
Take a look at your phone outside your home to see if the telephone line is visible outside the box or not. Even if not visible outside the enclosure, you might find left behind even enters into the wall of the House. The problem here is that easy to cut this line and many thieves and criminals know it what is the solution?
After all, not criminals are only can they cut the telephone wire. Sandstorms and high winds to construction workers and construction crews, highways can cut inadvertently. You could be a threat to domestic security system in your home?
Intelligent safety Foundation offers you the solution by using mobile security. Mobile security is an additional device connects to the control panel and you place a telephone communications or Mobily or Zen. This device connects the slide to the very large number of over 60 mobile phones.
Note-there is a security vulnerability with the mobile security. Sealing devices for mobile cellular networks blocking devices to prevent the transmission of signals and waves at a certain area. Through the use of one of these devices to be able to temporarily block the thief mobile signals around your House, so cut the relationship between you and home protection system in your home. However, such devices, all sold in the Kingdom and it’s still relatively unknown among thieves and criminals. Whatever the weak prospect they constitute a real threat to such devices.
Final thoughts!
The home protection, with high levels of crime in mind, an important and vital part of social security in any society. Whether you live your home or rented apartment, thieves and hackers are a real threat to security. Home security is now a vital part of today’s society.
Best home protection weapon is willpower. Learn tactics and review the security situation for your home or can lead to more effective preventive action to prevent your home for similar crimes. Whatever those simple actions, do it now and feel free to.