sunken ships in the bermuda triangle

sunken ships in the bermuda triangle In the category ancient civilizations more articles and learn more information about sunken ships in the bermuda triangle Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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sunken ships in the bermuda triangle,It is known that the Bermuda triangle-the only place on the planet of anomalies. The researchers compared the Bermuda triangle coordinates of places on a map of Earth. The result was a pattern: all areas with anomalous interval of 72 degrees, covering the entire planet-and the five regions of the northern hemisphere and five in the South. And if you connect these points with the poles of the Earth, and a network of these areas will look like crystal. Experts found that almost all of the pyramids, in Bermuda in Kailash in Tibet, on the island of unagoni in Japan, Egypt and Mexico.

sunken ships in the bermuda triangle

sunken ships in the bermuda triangle

A team of scientists using deep water work exploring the ocean floor near the famous Bermuda triangle, located in the Caribbean Sea to the North and North-East of the island of Cuba.Even Christopher Columbus, being in this part of the ocean, recorded in writing Book, the team noted in particular water, emit light spots. This mysterious glow-bright spots on the water, covered with foam-observed today regularly. Sometimes this glow is so strong that it can be seen from space.

sunken ships in the bermuda triangle

sunken ships in the bermuda triangle

The US Navy has five of its aircraft, still does not recognize the danger area of the Bermuda triangle and the US Coast Guard insists that most of the tragedies and disappearances can explain unique properties in the region. These can be classified, quick Gulf stream and unknown in Atlantic submarine canyons, and severe storms that suddenly start completely. The Bermuda triangle is sometimes physically real threat of negligence at sea or in the air, as it is one of two places on Earth where the compass needle shows the magnetic pole of the planet. As a result of the Court and the aircraft can move in the wrong direction, and their team are unaware of it. Perhaps this is why even the marine life is embarrassing, notice the strange image repeatedly-Anglers fish floating belly up.