View bolt No. 2 underground metal detector

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View bolt No. 2 underground metal detector


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Product model: Thunderbolt II 3 m
Can a thunderbolt using the latest electronic technologies, and equipped to balance, to balance the situation, remove all “mineralization reaction” to discuss the situation brought recognition can distinguish 2 to detect non-ferrous metals, ferrous metals, significant improvement in the effective detection of depth and accuracy, with a depth of inquire and find accurate, strong resolution, simple operation and convenient features. In order to achieve maximum benefit from all the features of this product, read this manual carefully before use.
Product in addition to military applications, but also applies to a number of areas:
(1) Criminal Investigation Department quickly
(2) disclosure of raw materials and mineral fuels and food debris
(3) check mail, luggage and parcels metal items
(4) check for underground pipes and cables
(5) archaeology, prospecting
(6) found hoards of gold and Silver metallic minerals buried under land acquisition of scrap metal
Product functional properties:
Metal detectors (1) convert metals select
(2) underground metals and minerals mining
(3) non-ferrous metals, ferrous metal control
(4) the autofocus function
(5) manual adjustment to eliminate mineralization reaction
(6) speakers audible devices
(7) low power battery tips
LED (8) flashes function
The Induction coil (9) automatic alarm (when connecting cables when loose automatic alarm)
(1) maximum detection depth: 3 m
Manner of disclosure (2): balance sheet/identification
(3) the main vibration frequency: 4.19 MHz
(4) a reference frequency: 7.2 KHz
Power supply (5): DC9V (six 1.5 VAA battery)
(6) current: 40MA lifeless
(7) low power: 7.2 V 7.2 V + 0.2 V-0.2V
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