best places to find treasure

best places to find treasure In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about best places to find treasure Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Too many people are addicted to finding treasures, but not everyone has the necessary tools and certainly not everyone can afford an expensive metal. But how to find the treasure without the metal detector? Say at once in this case luck plays a big role, because the treasure in the form of placer ancient coins can be detected without special equipment.

best places to find treasure Most important is to determine the place where it is possible to surely find something. First of all, it’s an old house that had been built under the royal regime and it is desirable to find an abandoned house. Belonging to an old house construction is easy to determine by looking at the nails that were used in the construction of the house, they should not be just a factory production, and forged by hand. Most importantly, starting the search in older homes, you must ensure that the structure or its remains do not belong to anybody. Lack of joinery can point to the fact that the house is abandoned and you can safely seek his treasure.

best places to find treasure


Where can you find the treasure ?

Hunting with a metal detector and places to search

about how to find the treasure

Search for treasure and coin with a metal detector

The most likely place where coins are located – this door and window boxes, as well as the internal cavity under architrave. Carefully remove the box and inspect all internal surfaces. Usually, these places can be found isolated instances of coins, but regularly. Usually, in such places can be found coins post revolutionary Soviet period, sometimes catches and small royal silver.

best places to find treasure

One of the best places to search for the treasure houses are angles. Usually, during the construction of the house, in the corners, directly under the foundation laid gold and silver coins. The biggest challenge when looking at such places – it’s just install and get to the center of the corner.

Unless of course you are not hard, you can dig and dig a little mound of earth home. In most cases they consist of multiple layers of preserved land, rotten iron, straw, logs. In them you may well be able to detect objects larger than a coin, such as clay pots, old bottles, axes, unless you’re lucky, household articles of precious metals, knives and other weapons.

Another interesting place, no doubt, are bearing joints sexual beams. Of course it is very difficult to disassemble and can even use a chainsaw to facilitate the work. Usually in such places laid for a few pieces of silver coins.

best places to find treasure with a metal detector

best places to find treasure

If the floors in the house already removed, the earthen surface on which these floors were laid, filled with various small gizmos.  At the time of the bride and groom them sprinkled with small coins, which rolls between the floorboards and sank under the floor, as well as for the plinth. Take a simple stick or a small shovel and just slightly, remove the top layer to a depth of approximately 20-30 cm Coins has guaranteed, and a variety of ages, ranging from imperial times, and the last Soviet trifle. Besides coins also sure to find different buttons, and sometimes vintage bottles.

On the attic of the house, you can also enter to search for, just in case, if the roof is built from the times do not overlap. It should be made of fine and almost half-rotten, metal tiles. Once you get into the attic first thing is to dig in the corners and around the pipe. You can then hand down on rummage beams, quite often there to bookmark since the Civil War. However, if the roof is covered with slate, the attic can not even see.