Find gold detector

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Find gold detector

After reading about a piece of native gold worth one million dollars found in Australia using a metal detector , I got hooked on the idea. In this article, which completely fascinated me , was about a pile of gold found with metal detectors. After a series of similar publications which I already was following one of these devices appear in my ” definitely buy ” list and in 1988, finally ordered «A3b-Gold Hunter» Company ” Garrett .”
The manual for my brand new metal detector was told that with his help all my dreams will come true ! So after many years passed since then , I can share with you some good news. Can fully confirm that this strange looking device actually works ! For the time that I was involved in searching for gold metal detector , I found some remarkable treasures equal to that there are very few in the country!
First , I think I need to explain the word ” treasure ” . By that I mean everything is hidden or underground or underwater.

If you are not yet an exciting opportunity to find a shiny piece of gold in small rock crevices or old coins buried under a layer of pine needles out of the way , you are quite easy to learn how to price and other findings.
The discovery and excavation of some simple objects , whether it is an old iron box tobacco horseshoe remains of an old enameled trim belong to my understanding of pleasure on demand. Pile of old rusty cans behind long forgotten mining huts , metal pieces in stones remind me of those who have gone before us in the “golden ” path.

Find gold detector

Find gold detector

Some hunters call such objects “fake screams ” but I learned to appreciate them as an interesting piece of our day yesterday .
The first thing you should do before you start to train to operate the detector is to carefully read the instructions for use of the manufacturer. Discover all the features of your model. To achieve the best results when working with your detector studied well instructions for its use . I advise you not to leave the field until you have not understood and studied all of its characteristics and qualities , even if you take some time. The method of “trial – error” , although widely used , it takes much longer.
The best place to get acquainted with his new metal detector can be well -known territory near your home. But it is necessary to make sure that you have selected for his experiments land in which no buried power cables , steel water pipes, telephone cables and other such underground economy. Of not very large area , you can make a good test : at various depths from 5 to 25 cm bury some metal objects , for example, nail crumpled into a ball of aluminum foil , a metal spoon, or a few coins , a gold ring . At a depth of 40 to 60 cm dice steel water bucket .
To mark the places where these things are hidden , you can use small pieces of colorful fabric attached to a stick. Note the depth at which they were buried objects ! Then you can start scanning the ground , listening to the signals of your metal detector . If you listen very carefully , you will soon learn to distinguish between different colors that are characteristic of different metals. Can gradually learn to recognize the sound of the depth at which the site is located . All this will make your training more interesting and complex . Of course there are metal detectors that automatically determine the metal of the object and its approximate depth, but mine was not the case .
Taking stock of patience , try to look as full metal objects , as well as those made ​​of metal and other material. To achieve the best results , put the headphones on your ears . Follow the instructions and use the automatic and manual tuning of the device . Work with them until you learn all the nuances of his work . Continue with manual mode until you set up the unit as best . Metal detectors are the most sensitive it is in manual mode , but then you are also the most unstable.
Once you are familiar with all the features and learn better to recognize different types of metal in the sound emitted can with full confidence and hope to go into nature and experience the detector in ” combat ” conditions. Of course, there is some difference in the sound with the same subject and the same depth, but one stood in clumped and well -trodden ground of the years and the other just buried . Propagation of the electromagnetic waves emitted by the coil is distorted and is different in both cases , hence the differences in the sound. But with a good initial training you get used to quickly.
It is interesting that even if you have difficulty understanding the instructions for use , operation detector quickly and easily digested. The explanation is simple – the first need some initial technical training, which not everyone has , but anyone well enough to hear very quickly associated changes in height and tone in the headset to the type of metal object , its size and the depth at which located . The human brain is pretty trivial task .
I think electronic equipment to search for gold and work with it is very simple. To dig a ” treasure ” you need a tool. For soft soil is sufficiently a longer spoon. Where soil and concise and contains many stones can be used in a small bar with a sharp end. For objects buried deeper sometimes necessary pick. When working with metal detector in areas rich in gold , I always carry with me and screen wash gold shovel. When operating in this area device start ” whining ” shovel scoop of soil and put her in the sieve. Then scan the screen with the detector to determine whether the object is, or is still in the ground. If the sieve of screening or washing the soil until you find what makes me scream machine. Of course, the screen should not be metal , because metal detector will scream and a blank screen . Finally , though, always scan once the soil , where the object was to make sure that there ‘s something else more deeply situated .
Do not be discouraged if all you find are old nails and bits of rusted iron. This sometimes happens in certain places . Determination and patience will help you one day put a precious nugget in your pocket ! When this happens , you need leather bag or plastic box in which you can securely closed its findings. Bag with zipper also happening. I always take everything you dig and haze in the camp , so that the next time my territory , or other lovers quest to be clean and not waste time re- excavation . After removal of the native short gold necessarily scan again , because there may be another piece in the first . Then turn off the detector and with the help of screen check if the surrounding soil will retail gold or deeply buried particles which device will not react . Here , as a rule, is effective pick . We should not forget that even the most sensitive detector has its maximum depth that can search .
I’ve found that the best places to search and find gold with a metal detector are the old workings. Whether it is removed from the mine and has gold material of it is seized or talking about an opencast , always with a metal detector can find gold nuggets missed . Some of the most striking my nuggets I found precisely in such places.
I also dug some very good examples of places in the olden days was mined gold. I used my detector , I came across many places where ” cleansed ” concentrate on industrial production . In these places was mainly sand, rusty nails , pieces of different materials and , often , a large amount lost in the processing of gold particles.
During that its gold mining business, I not only gathered a collection of wonderful nuggets , but I found other unique ” treasures” . To them I can only apply , for example , old iron, which I found very near the famous gold-bearing river Manson in British Columbia. She was in pretty poor shape at first, but later I was able to recover it . To other ” treasures” include countless knives, forks , spoons , buttons , medals , coins, boxes of medicines produced in the early 19th century. Plus I found , perhaps , tones old rusty nails, iron boxes, tin cans , all sorts of rusty pieces of places for gold as any other of unknown origin to me and purpose.
Each discovery , whether native gold piece the size of a bean or bean tin , gives me a wonderful and exciting feeling when digging his excitement at the thought of finding something new , hidden in the layers of the earth. This is a real treasure and it is not important whether large or small it is. This is something for which the “electronic ” mining there – to hear expectations and characteristic cry of the detector signal from the search coil !

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