How to make a choice when buying a metal detector

How to make a choice when buying a metal detector In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about How to make a choice when buying a metal detector Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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How to make a choice when buying a metal detector

The first question asked almost every treasure hunter apprentice is the cost of the detector and the depth of detection . It is important definitions , but unfortunately mutually exclusive. Metal detectors cheap , by default , you can not have a great depth of detection. In addition , there are many technical aspects which are indispensable in the selection of equipment .

In modern technology to detect major minerals which enables more accurate to recognize the type of metal , ignore interference from the soil . Metal detectors more recent , the better it ignores soil noise , high contrast and depth of detection. More accurate detector detects the type of metal you less garbage pits.

So how do you choose a metal detector . For now, the market offers various companies of the metal detector , but you need to understand that buying a cheap metal detector should not expect a good result , cheaper metal detectors and has a depth of less disclosure.

Many beginners make the mistake of buying a cheap metal detector , pointing out that ” at the beginning and go cheap , do not want to spend the money , but we ‘ll see .” But ” more pronounced ” , and often does not happen , because, to provide equipment that is certainly doom themselves to failure . The results should have been to you for you to collect another treasure hunter .

Metal detectors are probably the best choice for a hobby, and if you are in the first place and entertainment , a chance to go a few times a year in nature. These models have a depth of detection of one meter, and let ‘s ignore small glands that are not of interest. Also, these devices are used successfully to search for scrap metal.

The most attractive in a series of inexpensive metal detector X- Terra 305 with a depth of detection for more than a meter and discriminator good . This metal detector using the technique of modern digital signal processing , it is possible to improve the quality of metals recognition and increase the depth of detection compared to similar models .

The flagship of this price range metal detector X- Terra 705 , has great depth and sensitivity for small targets , and it is used by professionals to search for small coins , such as scales. Also, this model is used by prospectors search for gold nuggets , especially the built-in feature lets you find Geo gold particles smaller than the head of the screw . This is one of the metal detectors the most popular and sought-after .

More expensive models of professional metal detectors  and justified such a high cost . It is no longer a simple metal detector analog and controlled by the processor is able to detect modern multi-frequency metal to find items on the depths of the largest and most accurate filter the type of metal.

For example, metal detectors E- Trac and Explorer SE unique in the world using metal detectors to determine the type of metal not only information about the conductivity of the metal, but its induction . Also used to detect the frequency of the target 28 , and not one just like metal detectors normal. Depth depends on the frequency of detection, sensitivity to detect , and the quality of the discrimination, the stability of the soil .


 Operating frequency of the detector

Adjust the metal detectors and one frequency , depending on the frequency , up only to find large or small objects . High frequency of 18 kHz allows you to capture small objects the size of 1-2 mm . However, the high-frequency signal decays rapidly in the soil , and therefore the depth of detection of objects a little less. Low frequency of 3 kHz worst detects small objects , but electromagnetic waves penetrate deeper into the soil , respectively, over the depth of detection of objects . Operating frequency less than that, the detector can detect deeper goal.

Metal detectors multiple frequencies with frequencies revealed 28 1.5 to 100 kHz are looking for high and low frequencies and allow for a single device to combine the best qualities of low-frequency machines and deep bass . Basically , using a detector , which uses a multi – frequency technology is – multi – frequency detector and one at the same time .

Depth depends on the size of the target object is detected greater than deeper it can be detected by a metal detector . For example, a single currency up to 50 cm, with treasure the army helmet on the meters of the larger items up to 1.5 meters .

Special metal detectors

Metal detectors to search underwater for the second innocent . This can be turned detect underwater up to 60 meters . It is designed to take a look at the beaches and swimming pools.

Is designed for metal detectors to find gold nuggets Eureka gold resources and reserves assessment coarse gold mining in artisanal gold mining . Showed the best results when you search for the Nuggets with complex geological conditions .

Metal detector GPX -4500 to find gold nuggets in any , even the darkest conditions . Has been tested metal detector GPX -4500 for landfills gold mining and recommended for artisanal gold mining and professional evaluation of resources and reserves of the largest gold mining . Showed the best results when you search for Nuggets in complex geological conditions .


In order to choose a metal detector to determine for what purpose you need one for a hobby if it is safe to take  X- Terra 305 and X- Terra 505 , if you decide to do hunting treasure professional then you need to pay attention to metal detectors X- Terra 705 , Safari , Explorer SE , E – Trac . This is one of the best metal detectors . Warranty on all metal detectors MINELAB 3 years!.