How to use dowsing rods to search for burials

How to use dowsing rods to search for burials In the category gold dowsing rods more articles and learn more information about How to use dowsing rods to search for burials Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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How to use dowsing rods to search for burials

First we buy dowsing rods 4 mm or 6 mm

We buy skewers

Available in local markets one Sikh have a length of 80 cm

We now have skewers length 80 cm

Bring meter gauge and measure of each skewer 60 cm and 20 cm we praise her for remaining before us to become acute angle 90 degrees

Now our spits hand 20 cm length adoxaceae
And direction of Sikh 60 cm

This first step

Step 2 go to any store that sells plumbing tools and buy him a pipe for water-type plastic quarter-inch and four requests
Not the barrel full length cut which we need 30 cm to divide them into 2 halves
Every half length 15 cm and buy nail the same thickness of rods
After that we come with glue and install all the pipe length 15 cm from the bottom cap of the altabaa glue weniza below

Altabaa that the top screw is heated on the fire and make it penetrate the top and not put altabaa by glue to nfakha when we need a codec is not the same as that at the bottom are placed waghlaghha using glue

After the breach or the altabaa incision in the upper central screw
The barrel length is aghlagh 15 cm of the bottom aghlagh lasting glue from the top do not use glue because you will need to delight its use

Now we have the pipes length 15 cm mghlghah from below and from above there is a cracked cap from Center to get into every single barrel of the skewers just on the idea altabaa top don’t put the glue because you need to always delight

Now you’re constipated each hand barrel barrel length 15 cm, Sikhs Zayed from top of 5 cm and length of overseas forced 60 cm

Continued use
You are now a constipated my antennae up real range 100 m and depth up to 8 meters depending on the size, depth and history deep-seated any how many years Omar trove