The price of gold on the spot market

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The price of gold on the spot market


The spot market is one of the varieties of modern exchange trading. The main feature of the spot market is the instant transfer of ownership from one owner to another at the conclusion of the agreement.

The price of gold on the spot market is based on supply and demand that push participants spot trading. As a rule, the price of gold on the spot market is slightly different from the value of gold in other markets , currently worth an ounce of gold in the spot market is around $ 1,500 .

What is the spot market gold

According to analysts , now the price of gold on the spot market has stabilized , although many in the market for several days waiting noticeable price changes , which must be due to the depreciation of the euro to basic world currencies. In addition, many investors expect information from the U.S. housing market , as well as information on the level of industrial production in recent months. Most likely , many investors continue to buy gold to fix their profits and reduce losses that are related to the change of certain types of currencies.

In some cases, successful dealers can buy and sell precious metals or securities at a lower price , the intensification of the trades in the spot market can mean a drastic change in the value of precious metals, securities or currencies , which will occur in the near future .

According to most experts , the prices on the spot market in the most reflective of the economic situation , in addition, the price of gold on the spot market to allow more reliable prediction of future prices for precious metals .

One variation of the spot market are trading in the Forex market , which has recently enjoyed a great popularity among the Russian investors.

Trading volumes in gold and other precious metals in the spot market , as a rule, much smaller than the volume of trading on various exchanges .

How is the spot price of gold determined?

The spot price of gold is not directly determined by a single entity, but rather by the complex interaction of supply and demand forces within the futures markets.

The following is a breakdown of the main factors

Futures- These are agreements to buy or sell gold at a specified price at a predetermined future date.

Commodity exchanges- Major exchanges such as COMEX (Commodity Exchange) in New York facilitate the trading of these futures contracts.

Market participants- A variety of participants such as institutional investors, hedge funds and trading users such as jewellers, are all involved in buying and selling these futures contracts.

Supply and Demand- The volume of buying and selling futures contracts reflects market sentiment towards gold. Higher demand for contracts pushes the price higher, while increasing selling pressure causes it to fall.

External factors- global economic conditions interest rates currency fluctuations geopolitical events and even stock market performance can all indirectly affect the demand for gold, thus affecting its spot price.

Here’s a simplified explanation of how it works

Trading activity- Throughout the day, traders buy and sell gold futures contracts on the exchange based on their expectations of future gold prices.

Price detection- The most traded contract, usually expiring as soon as possible (called a “first month” contract), has the most significant impact on the spot price.

Settlement- When contracts approach their expiration date, they are settled either physically (by delivering actual gold) or financially (cash settlement based on the prevailing market price).

Important points to remember

The spot price we see reflects the average price of the most traded futures contracts.

It is not the price at which you can necessarily buy or sell physical gold directly. Retail buyers usually pay on top of the spot price due to merchants profit margins and other factors.

The futures market is a dynamic environment so the spot price of gold is constantly fluctuating based on changing market conditions.

By understanding the role of futures markets and the influence of various factors you can gain a better understanding of how to determine the spot price of gold.