Search for gold and jewelry

Search for gold and jewelry In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about Search for gold and jewelry Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Search for gold and jewelry

With the advent of metal detectors activities associated with the search for gold and jewelry has experienced a new upsurge . The modern ” prospectors ” are looking for , both on land and under water – gold dust , gold nuggets , lost jewelry made of gold and gold coins.

This is one of the elite hobby. Not everyone has enough patience for a long time and methodically carry out research and search , and not everyone is willing to buy an expensive device for hobby search of gold.

Where to hunt patient and crafty hobby fans searching for gold ? What secrets are they hiding ? What they use metal detectors for gold and how to find the most ideal ?

Where to find the ideal ?

Places to look for gold with a metal detector are specific and should not be selected randomly . Selecting a location for a future trip must be explored and analyzed . Otherwise, you will lose your time and money invested.

Each search engine in the process of acquiring practical experience to develop their own methods and techniques of research potentially best places to look for gold and jewelry. In these places you can find gold with a high degree of probability. There are characteristic features of such places, based on the observations and findings :

Gold nuggets can be detected with high probability , where they found earlier requires painstaking search of reliable information on places of finds , as well as old or abandoned .
At certain times of the year the channel mountain rivers dry up , and if you have the opportunity to examine such a place , be sure to do so ( it is possible to detect fragments of gold-bearing quartz veins have been washed off with water from the mountains )
area at the foot and on mountain slopes scattered with small stones
beaches, surf and resort area.
places of entertainment and water rides

Why fans hobby searching for gold and jewelry ” cunning ” , not hard to guess : a profitable occupation engenders competition and jealousy . That is why the secrets no one will disclose.

Not all search sites can be enjoyed hobbies search of gold and jewelry. Territory or area that you have chosen to conduct the search , it may be a private or public property.

So be sure to ask about this at the moment and need to get permission from the property owner, if necessary. Private property owners are usually always give their consent in exchange for a fraction of the cost of finds.