How to choose a metal detector and what do I need

How to choose a metal detector and what do I need In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about How to choose a metal detector and what do I need Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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How to choose a metal detector and what do I need

There is no doubt that all those interested in searching for minerals, especially gold and coins are haunted by a beautiful dream to get rich, and I’m one of those, but has quorum with shock when using a metal detector and it gives an alert when each metal exist, we know that the Earth is filled with useful, others such as metal rivets and beverage cans, what is the solution? I do not want to search for rusty nails or cans I find truly valuable pieces of metal and I can sell it and make use of them to achieve its dream project a long time ago.

There is no doubt that the search for the best metal detectors is difficult, and I don’t know detector that fits the soil in which I want to find out, metal detectors shown in markets and on many Internet networks, and their prices are high and I can’t provide the amount needed to buy a metal detector. I draw this objective for beginners in the field of research, there is no doubt that this group is the most exploited by traders selling metal detectors, which seen spread widely on the Internet.

How to choose a metal detector as your financial


This choice depends on the nature of the area that we want to find out, and what is the purpose of the search if you want to search for ancient coins or valuables not far from the Earth’s surface, or you want to find on the beach, there are cheap metal detectors might meet your need and at the same time does not pay for the experience, especially the first time to the search process. at the beginning of this exciting hobby shouldn’t pay large sum especially do we know dealing with these devices , A simple metal detector might bring us a good target and bring our experience and that is required to learn how to work on these devices.
How to choose a metal detector and what do I need

How to choose a metal detector and what do I need

As we have said we want a cheap metal detectors, can search deeply good and be easy to use, where to find such specifications? Definitely need a clear idea of the detector, which achieves what you want I recommend products of Garrett, a famous company first credible company among those who tried their products, as a result of competition among companies making metal detectors find that they offer products at competitive prices compared to other companies. I don’t agitate for this company and will not agitate for any company on this site and in all the thematic type here do not put a link to any company, because I want everyone to rely on himself and looking better.

What you should know before searching with a metal detector


Be aware that each State laws some States do not allow the search with metal detectors, this is a breach of the law and the confiscation of the metal detector and can face prison, you must pay attention to this, and also you have to take permission from the landowner before doing the research, there is no doubt that the hobby search metals despite the risks many interesting adventure.


Research on the agricultural land or gardens must you dig, you don’t leave land filled with drilling the holes must be filled again after finishing the search.
As we have already experienced a large role in the relief effort and money, before you go out into the field of research training in the metal detector, so that they can discriminate the sounds of various minerals, then buried a piece of gold to an appropriate depth and sound alarm for this piece.
Learning on the metal detector you boil down half way and gaining experience to be a distinguished researcher can extract precious metals away from the pins and caps for bottles that do not serve us in something.