The price of gold 999 per 1 gram

The price of gold 999 per 1 gram In the category investing in gold more articles and learn more information about The price of gold 999 per 1 gram Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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The price of gold 999 per 1 gram

How much gold 999 really? – This is a frequent question people who have become necessary to sell or mortgage ornaments or other articles of gold said sample . Pawn shops and buying items in many cities at every step , but not too cheap if we accept their offer ?

Similar questions have already been discussed in the article about gold 585. In principle, the highest gold assay is similar, so we present only the main conclusions :

1. Jewelry ( especially of the highest order ) can be sold not only and not so much on weight . The weight of selling scrap gold . High-quality jewelry is valued not only for the nobility of the material , but also for the skill with which they are made. They may have artistic and historical value .

On the other hand, to find the point of buying where you can quickly realize the decoration exactly as decoration, not as waste (by weight ) is difficult. You have to understand the fact that by pawnshops it is not profitable: it is better to buy from the population jewelry by weight and sell it for the full price . However , the number of jewelry with real, solid cash equivalent of having artistic merit is small. In general , these virtues in his pocket , we do not usually experience when selling and when buying jewelry.

The price of gold 999 per 1 gram

The price of gold 999 per 1 gram

Rising gold prices : characteristics and reasons

In recent years the rise in gold prices has been very significant. During the years 1996-2010 the rate of gold went from about 400 to $ 1300 per troy ounce.

What is the reason for this is the rapid increase in prices ? Can we hope for continued growth in the cost of the yellow metal ? These are not idle questions . After having understood the reasons for this (rather remarkable in the world of finance) phenomenon , we have a chance to learn how to predict such a time, increase the stock price of gold, and thus , in time to invest in precious metal, seriously increasing their income.

Not spreading the idea of ​​the tree and not to squander away the time and place , we go directly to the description of these reasons:

The general instability in the world economy – the global financial crisis . The fact is that during the instability, seriously hitting the pockets of investors putting money in a rather risky instruments ( eg shares ) , many owners of capital have a desire to insure your money . Please note: at the end of 2008 there was a sharp drop in equity prices . Then for a while , and gold fell , but soon began its rapid growth .

The weakening of the dollar. Many analysts have pointed out that the policy of the United States , contrary to official statements , focuses on the depreciation of the national currency. In any case , the weakening of the green symbol of happiness for sure. And as the price of gold is measured in relation to the greenback , then one bar of precious metal , respectively , have to give more devalued dollars.

Psychological factor. It would seem that by the end of 2009 (up to mid- 2010), when the economy was more or less, and investors are once again happy to have got on the stock markets ( in 2009 stock prices showed a marked increase ) . However, gold has continued to increase in value . Probably one of the reasons for the continuing growth was just a psychological factor . Thousands of private investors see that the quotes of precious metal continues to rise month after month – and they have a natural desire to join the trend , especially since the middle of 2010 the equity markets have ceased to look cheerfully , as at the beginning.

Naturally, this factor has less to do with the actual economic situation than the previous two, and thus is considered by many experts , the excess strap in the $ 1000-1100 per ounce – is the result of ” inflating the bubble ,” unhealthy rush to purchase . What led these bubbles in the end we all know . The market is usually great collapses – and join in the fun of the appreciation in the end are left with huge losses .

However, all three factors should be borne in mind , and come primarily from them , analyzing the international price of gold.