Water leak detection without expert

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Water leak detection without expert


Often we face the problem of water leakage in the pipes under the floor, and this can be observed leakage through the exit of water from side areas at home, and if the light leakage you may notice moisture on the edges of the floor, stretching over to controversies, this leads to damage to the paint layer, and the emergence of white rot on walls.


One of the main problems facing some problem of water infiltration. This problem some parts damaged or misaligned, calculates the amount of water lost from the spill showed that this quantity is able to fill the pool. These leaks exhaust you financially each month through high water bills and this is what you should pay attention to some of these leaks should be rapidly at first before increasing problem.


First you must make sure that diversion, by examining areas off the water in the bathroom and kitchen, and note any leak results from these pieces, and in the case of an external leak, you may notice that the eye without any hardware. Fix this simple problem by replacing the part causing the leak, and these things can be fixed by yourself without the need of a technician.
Water leak detection without expert

Water leak detection without expert

Water pipes in the House are divided into two


Clean water pipes

Sewage pipes


Each home is unique and special situation to determine what kind of system leaks. Some simple systems can be installed by the homeowner, but complex systems should be qualified plumber.


If you do not have a water leak detection system installed in your home, you can always check your home periodically to water leakage, unless of course, if you can hear the water dripping sound. Water spills usually occur in areas where the machine, water and plumbing fixtures. Among the most obvious areas to look for water leaks.


1. bath and toilet area (check for leaking shower faucet and water heating system)
2. kitchen (check for leaks at the faucet, washer, water heating system)
3. wet room (check for leaks faucet, washing clothes)
4. garage and basement (warm water system check, cooler evaporator)
5. Garden (check out the grass, irrigation system, low water use garden)


Detecting water leakage through the eyes and voice might seem an easy task. This may be true in rapid and significant leakages, but slowness and small holes, can be impossible to detect without the aid of a device for detecting water leaks. Here are some tips on monitoring the House for possible water leaks.


1. water flowing in your toilet when water moves from the tank to the Bowl when nobody was brainwashing him.


2. when the toilet is flushing itself when no one is near the toilet.


3. Another method to detect the leakage of water in the bathroom to put color in your tank, you should see the color in the pot after a few minutes, then it can be concluded that there is a leak.


4. Since most water pipes are embedded in the walls and floors, we can know only if there is a leak when you see discoloration of wall, ceiling and carpet.


5. leak detector spray system is the same with piping spotted hidden leaks.


6. one practical way to know whether you have water leaking into your House to monitor your water. If you have high water bill with usual consumption, may seek a professional plumber or check with your local utility company.


Water leak worse just in time; it would be wise to deal with it as soon as possible. Early detection and repairs will save you money and prevent damage to your home. If you ignore it, the only thing you need to do anyway.
If water leakage, you can note the continuous decline in the amount of water allocated to the House, must detect water leaks before they damage your home cannot be controlled, it is known that water affects the home building materials, you must fix the problem of water leakage in the fastest time.