Egyptian civilization

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The ancient Egyptian civilization

The ancient Egyptian civilization

The ancient Egyptian civilization


Civilization of the ancient Egyptians or sometimes called the Nile Valley civilization is a civilization arose along the Nile River in North-East Africa since 3000 b.c. to 30 b.c. and is the longest by a pleasant stay old world civilization, and refers to the ancient Egyptian civilization geographically that civilization which originated in the Valley and the Nile Delta where the ancient Egyptians lived.
And cultural civilization refers to their language, religion and customs, their lives and manage their affairs and life management and their concept of nature around them and treated them with neighbouring peoples. The Nile River, which is about the ancient Egyptian civilization stemmed from the Highlands of Abyssinia in East Africa and the headwaters of the Nile in southern Sudan from Sudan in the North to Egypt comes the flood every year liazei soil silt. Flood natural phenomenon made Egypt’s economy in a renewed building mainly on sleep.

The tomb of Tutankhamen

Mask of Tutankhamun

The ancient Egyptian civilization

The ancient Egyptian civilization

See the mask of Tutankhamun on high technical level and the ancient Egyptians in the modern State. The mask covers the head of the Mummy sparganum in her coffin. He scored the first exorcism 150th b of the book of the dead for more protection for the King’s body.
The artist meant to represent genuine fine detail so that the spirit of the deceased King of finding his body at other times and then had a mission.
We see here the head was covered with a hood and the front decorated with symbols of the ownership and protection of alnasra and Cobras. The Golden plates were used here by heating and then the roads. Alaobsidian stones and used quartz and lapis lazuli to form eyes and eyebrows as Zain chest necklace of semiprecious stones and colored glass, which ends with a Falcon head.
39.3 cm width
Height 54 cm
The third Tutankhamen’s Gold coffins and the smallest, where she put to sleep the Mummy. The mummy itself was left in the coffin in the tomb of this King.
The ancient Egyptian civilization

The ancient Egyptian civilization

The golden Sarcophagus, either veneered with motifs and texts within and beyond providing for the names and titles of the deceased King and narratives. And are inlaid with semi-precious stones and colored glass. He is in form in the body of Osiris holding a Holy Scepter decals inflicted a hooked wemzebh alnkhakho while protecting the alrakhma linkage Royal forehead. Holly Beard has manufactured from glass restaurant went blue.
And protects the employers ‘ lower Egypt and upper Egypt body wings. Coffin weighing 110.4 kg or equivalent 243.4 lb.
Width 51 cm
187.5 cm length
Height 51 cm
The second coffin or coffins of three that put all of them into the other, found in the tomb of Tutankhamen. The coffin was made of solid wood and rime flakes of gold and semi-precious stones vaccinated and multicolored glass. It takes the form of a mummy of Osiris Lord of eternity with his arms held on his chest holding the Holy symbols and the puck walmzebh.
The ancient Egyptian civilization

The ancient Egyptian civilization

The coffin was installed in the position small screws of Electrum, an alloy of gold and silver.
Width 68 cm
Height 204 cm
Height 78 cm
This magnificent bra is officially known as Royal robe over patterned landscape of Egypt’s history.
This element appears in the modern State especially in local religious images of models are always accompanied by a short kilt feathers alhabekh.
This piece was decorated with feathers in successive rows of turquoise blue and azure wavy bars of gold and triangles of red glass.
And portrayed by King in the hands of Amen Lord of Karnak, and Atum the Lord of creation on en Heliopolis, Goddess ayosas alnasra head with the double Crown, which extends to the King years fronds. And there were his ballast stone composed of scarab was two Cobras in the back of the ornament are installed.
Length 85 cm
Height 40 cm