tricks using minelab eureka gold

tricks using minelab eureka gold In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about tricks using minelab eureka gold Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Detector to find gold nuggets. Ideal for exploration in the long march, as the weight of the device with a battery – 1950 grams, and the power comes from light penlight batteries size AA or rechargeable battery.

Minelab Eureka Gold metal detector is equipped with a new microprocessor manage unique technology Minelab “DGB Accu-Trak”. A new detection scheme combines the automatic adjustment to the soil and accurate discriminator. You will be able to search for any, even the highly mineralized soils without losing the depth of detection and not waste time on manual configuration of the device. The new scheme discrimination under microprocessor control allows accurately distinguish nuggets of other metals. The sensitivity of the discriminator can be changed according to your wishes.

minelab metal detectors Minelab Eureka Gold

For detecting it uses three frequencies 6.4, 20, 60 kHz.

High-frequency 60 kHz detector detects good nuggets smaller than a match head, but has a smaller depth of detection compared to the low frequency of 6.4 kHz, which allows you to find deeper purpose, but at this frequency detector is less sensitive to small targets.

Frequency can be changed manually. For example, to dredge dumps where there is already collected dredge small nuggets, but because of the design features of the screening were large nuggets, the use of frequency 6.4 kHz allows you to inspect the blade to a maximum depth ignoring all the flocks. In contrast, when looking at the mountain streams or on an open raft to use high frequency of 60 kHz.