what frequency is good for small gold

what frequency is good for small gold In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about what frequency is good for small gold Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Referring to metal detectors, and different people will have different reactions. For example, some people think of are people searching for coins on the beach or buried treasure. While some may think of airport security, or a concert or major games at the entrance by security guards using a handheld scanner. These scenes are very real. Metal detector plays an important role in our lives, from recreation to work to safety and security, their use is very extensive. Airports, office buildings, schools, government agencies, and prisons and other places of use metal detectors, which helps to ensure that no people from carrying weapons into these sites. Consumer-oriented metal detectors, for millions of people around the world the opportunity to discover treasures (even though much of the findings are worthless wastes).

what frequency is good for small gold High frequency metal detectors- metal detectors for gold

In this article, you will learn about metal detector and related technologies. We will lock in the consumer-oriented metal detectors, but most of the information in this article also applies to the fixed detection system (such as used in airport detection systems) and handheld security scanners, and so on.Most systems will have a socket used to connect the receiver, some system console in the bottom, connecting rods, and a small display at the top.

Metal detector operation is very simple. After you open the detector by having the probe slowly moves across the area you want to search. In most cases, you will use coils (search probe) scan back and forth above the ground in front of you. If you sweep the target, the probe will send out a signal that allows you to hear. More advanced metal detector is equipped with screens, can accurately identify the type of metal and buried in the depths of a target.

Metal detectors are uniquely suited to finding buried objects. But generally speaking, depth of these objects have 30 centimeters, the detector can find them. Most of the detector has a normal maximum detection depth, about 20 to 30 cm. Accurate values of the depths under the influence of several factors:
Metal detector type-detection technology is the main factors influencing the detection capability. In addition, using the same technology also differentiated between the detector and their additional features will vary. For example, some VLF detector uses higher frequencies than other detectors and coils of different detector sizes will vary. In addition, the products of different manufacturers and different models within the same vendor by using the sensor and amplification technology are not the same.

Types of metal objects – some metals (such as iron) can produce a stronger magnetic field.
Size-the object under the same depth, to detect a 10 cents hard to detect a 25 cent coin would be more difficult.
The composition of the soil-certain minerals are natural conductor, can seriously interfere with a metal detector.
Object take effect-if some types of metal objects buried for a long time, this actually increases near the electrical conductivity of the soil.

Interference with other objects-can be below the surface of the object, such as a pipe or cable can also be objects above ground, such as transmission lines.The brilliant world of metal detecting enthusiasts, can be divided into several subcategories. Following is a list of a few of the more popular activities:

Coin Hunter-big events (such as a game or concert) to look for coins, or to the general sense of searching for old coins.
Exploration-searching for metal, such as nugget
Site search– searching for artifacts of historical value, such as the United States of weapons used during the civil war
Treasure-study tries to find the rumored hidden somewhere in the storage of gold and silver and other treasures of the dark cellar,United States there are many metal detector enthusiasts participated in the area or the whole United States range of clubs, the Club treasure campaigns can provide some tips and tricks. Some clubs even organized treasure or other Member of travel financing.