GPR x3 ultra 2013

GPR x3 ultra 2013 In the category Metal Detectors more articles and learn more information about GPR x3 ultra 2013 Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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A GPR x-3 2012

A GPR x-3 2012 Direct vision of what is hidden under the ground Painterly device directly from the best and Read more

 GPR x3 ultra 2013

Direct vision of what is hidden under the ground

A GPR x-3 2012


Painterly device directly from the best and the most efficient devices globally and the fame.
Pictorial devices is one of the clearest and most accurate detection devices to detect gold, minerals, caves and underground spaces and differ in accuracy and clarity, depth and size.
Either a GPR 2012 is without compare and compete with the best and most accurate and easiest painterly device can work up to depths of 25 m underground, the sensitivity of this device and its components make it a modern scientific instrument with high technology can be handled with ease and smoothness and precision in identifying and clarifying goals in detail and accuracy in the marking of metals, in addition to its small size and ease of walking.

GPR X3 ultra best photographic detector in the world

Detects device:

(Locations of wires and electric cables-gold-metals-caves-blanks-spending.)

The idea of the device: direct imaging system based three-dimensional realistic depends on send electromagnetic waves in soil and capture any body in strange soil. Hough
Example: (metal-caves-blanks-runs) for the receiver in the device converts all references feedback from transmitter to photo directly embodied underground goals realistically.

The device features:

• The device discovery up to depths of 25 m below the surface and 80 m of water.
• The sensor and detection of targets from long distances through a special program on the device offers this service to all super fast.
• Connect the device to your laptop (laptop) stored by the device driver. Laptop can be separated from the device completely and photography through the registration and storage of information and then download them to your laptop and see all the captured objectives and indicate the place.
• Camera direct to see all the goals in the soil, photographed in a near real objects.
• Distinguish between minerals when discovered and show the frequency scanned by metal filtration in the device, for example: (gold – silver – diamond – iron)
• Disconnect the computer power cable from the device and work permanently without wires via a Bluetooth.
• Full body weight does not exceed 4 kg.
• Locate the target 50 cm by 50 cm.
• When the device is calibrating itself automatically on the soil of all impurities and rocks present in the soil.
• The device works with all types of soil and terrain and the ability to penetrate the rocks and Earth folds easily


   Hardware components:

The main body unit.
• Sensor sensitive device (transceiver).
• 12 volt battery charger-car charger home.
• Bluetooth (USB).
• Laptop.
• Speakers.
• Wiring device
German industry.

This description of the Group selling the device on the Internet and as we always say don’t rely on written description, field trials are firm guide machine capacity
We will present the experiences of researchers on this machine and sincerity written description

Good luck