metal detectors treasure hunting finds

metal detectors treasure hunting finds In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about metal detectors treasure hunting finds Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Systematics of treasures.
As with any serious action should be preceded by conversation to practice searching for treasures for a small part of the theory. But the question is: where can I get materials theory? Translated manuals in this topic I came across was not on the eyes, and archaeological theory differs substantially from theoretical treasure.


The basic classification of treasures.
1. all phases in the General notes are divided into three groups:
-The value of the treasures, which include arms caches containing more than half the time of traditional values for the burial. This is the most common group of treasures and treasures that I found most of the examples-evidence.
-Family treasures “team from a mixture of all kinds of elements. These burial mounds characteristic of areas where the population migration — for example, in the case of a voluntary evacuation. Caches are expressed in “bound” to an abandoned house. The value depends on the treasures of antiquity the elements of everyday life.

metal detectors treasure hunting finds

-Relic treasures constitute fixed predictable caches in the collection. For example, during the dismantling of the old building, was discovered in the basement, and a secret compartment designed amazingly with double water leaks and locking mechanism are hidden. Inside the coffin were found, who was sharpening brushes with traces of ink. Despite the best efforts of historians and regional specialists, this relic has remained anonymous.


There are many examples of the opposite-even a small envelope, hidden in a secret compartment, a very simple framework contains a unique message from a member of the imperial family to his lover. Inheritance can be memorable coin with a hole worn medals, national symbol, hidden from the enemy, so I would recommend: take a treasure that can be assigned to a group.


2. Division of treasures.
Treasures of savings, and those too small and big people or groups of people that kept the money and jewelry. The greatest diversity of places and ways to disguise that belong to this group: “short-term” treasures in the hollow of the tree or under the threshold, and the treasures of the Pirates of the majestic. In General, these treasures, mostly attracting researchers and bring people good luck great income.


Statistics show that up to 70 per cent of these treasures are found in the ground, the lower horizon graves rarely exceed 1.5 m on the surface of the device in cache. And, of course, is to take this figure without looking at changes to the topography of the area under the influence of natural factors or man-made change depth of horizons.


-Situational treasures, hidden treasures in extreme conditions. Could be the case that led to the emergency action to hide treasures are very diverse, but they give a lot of caches common features, detailed acquaintance with them would narrow the search considerably. Examples of treasures in wartime.


-Filter, which, in the opinion of the authors, not the treasure buried and destroyed. Two main motivations include: attempting to destroy property, so that they no longer have any person, undervalued assets.


These properties suggest category possible geographical location immediately such treasures, as attempts to destroy the values taken in more places not accessible or inaccessible spaces according to the author of the liquidation of the treasure.

metal detectors treasure hunting finds

Of course, this water elements, but rivers, seas, lakes and swamps are not always in fact so inaccessible, places like, for example, in the densely populated city, and a limited number. Fans of “blind” search method, it’s worth examining the possibility of inspection of such places. To take advantage of the second filter version treasures is easier than in the first case, the main thing is to accurately match the historical events, and select the location you want to search and know the real demand for the desired value.


Good examples are the areas occupied by old factories, old landfill of electronic components, and ancient sites for smelting ore.


-Religious treasures, these values include weight, sacrificed to the pagan gods and spirits. Multiple forest shrines and altars and sacred stones and animal reservoirs store near a great treasure. To find these treasures you want to thoroughly explore the traditions of ancient peoples inhabited once again the focus of researchers, appealing to historical literature.
3-phases are divided into the surface, underground and underwater. Treasure in the earth treasures-all those treasures were hidden in buildings on the ground, natural cavities (except the cave), buried in the soil no deeper than three meters. Configure the amount of these treasures a leading place among the detect and repair values, but they yield Palm kladam underwater on the estimated value of the extracted material.
Such a provision, probably not completely objective, although these numbers: underwater treasures to the fact that the ship’s cargo record for centuries in various documents; counting the same amounts of land transport, as you understand, is not possible. Research on water-land border areas, sometimes difficult to relate to one group or the other: lifting the ground can make marine treasure trove “by land” on the contrary, under water sends phase.
Search and extract treasures surface low cost basis, if not entitled class historical treasures; enough to apply the methods of “blind” address search, image search, and other similar methods.
-Underground hidden values in natural and artificial caves, dug in the ground to a depth of more than three meters.
To clear dungeons require special training and expensive equipment. Deeply buried treasures, often complex, and require high response for accurate diagnosis and detection equipment, and a large investment. They require documentary checks accurate and serious cost-cutting in archival work of drilling is unnecessary, because of imprecision in the search strategy.

metal detectors treasure hunting

-Underwater treasures team includes both hidden treasures under water, and the water and deposits concealed values bottom the will of their owners.
The site of many marine disasters of exactly or approximately recorded on maps; other vessels were killed before they had to send their coordinates in the stream, and thousands and thousands of ancient ships grouped about rocks and shallow waters, where their death can help find just in case. Any search for treasures under water for large financial risks, rare exceptions are sometimes finds of amateur divers values.
Searches should begin underwater with finding sponsors willing to invest money in the project, and research for the purpose of gathering sufficient evidence to address underwater graves. This information is collected in two ways: underwater exploration, collection of documentary materials. Very good when one completes the other, not against him.
Underwater excavations of the sunken land of interest rather than underwater archaeologists.

metal detectors treasure hunting finds

On site accommodation, you can make a more in-depth study using ground clearance inside the rectangle rule. Must be ground before removing each layer with a metal detector. Such action makes sense for the following reasons, to gain access to an underground basement, and at the same time the check fell from the walls or the roof of a house demolition value.
Of course, here to meet many priceless items of nonferrous metal, but they may be of some interest to you. True if the demolition occurred not in accordance with the laws of devastation and looting, use of explosives, the research plan varies greatly. Depending on the strength and direction of the explosive wave to us, perhaps, will be scattered over a large distance from the ground. A variety of options allow the bombing did not answer where exactly will be searched.
Search for treasures mini urban buildings.
This lesson is not already a party to stroll outdoors. Just start searching in old houses, how many enemies simultaneously. Strange here, representatives of the authorities of different levels from the janitors to the General in uniform. The real thing-exploring your apartment, if they can be considered as historical, or inspections in homes to evacuees, was about to be demolished. In this case, it is best to obtain formal written permission and be in his possession. It is difficult to confirm, but warning that it cannot. It now remains against unwanted encounters with illegal settlers empty apartments, which can be very dangerous. Never therefore set off to abandon home alone and remedies in the event of a surprise attack.

metal detectors treasure hunting finds

Search using metal detectors in old buildings is complicated by the abundance of other metals in construction: galvanized copper wires, avoid copper, iron, etc all this “wealth” will give a lot of strange signals, especially when looking at the walls. Ancient percussion method of determining gaps in effective walls in old houses and literally biting chimneys and ventilation wells and other cavities, is irrelevant. And store the thing real hope to discover weapons in wooden structures. The underlying principle is the same space and comfort to recover treasure on the run.
It may be that the missing link is not only watching you will become prey specializes in extracting the treasures known waves Ocean Beach near the beach with tremendous force. During a storm in the swirling waves of rocks, as soccer balls. Almost the same thing happen in the depths near the surf bands, but more depth of the marine layer, and less impact on the lower portion of the wave energy.
It may be that the missing link is not only watching you will become prey specializes in extracting the treasures known waves Ocean Beach near the beach with tremendous force. During a storm in the swirling waves of rocks, as soccer balls. Almost the same thing happen in the depths near the surf bands, but more depth of the marine layer, and less impact on the lower portion of the wave energy.
On the beach, where the water is warm, you can look up values and without Visual surveillance device to browse. Try looking in the land of water. Justification is simple: gold items, and sand and gravel are constantly shifting back and forth waves, wave, flooded again with these elements. The same process occurs and the beach. But look at the surf line, mainly on land, not water. I had to talk to people who have struggled with boredom of summer in the Black Sea. Here’s what noted.
Such practices need a snorkel mask. There is no need for the strikers, demanding drifts slowly along the sector of waves and how to put it figuratively, these fishing specialist “stomach rubs the sand.” Monitoring is carried out straight ahead, as the Golden flashes across the wing jewelry only moments into the endless gravel crushed grain of sand or small. The easiest way to search, when the emotion is weak, because when you see a big problem with the waves, and while there wasn’t any move to ease the sand bottom.

What is the most valuable find with a metal detector?

One of the most valuable finds with a metal detector was the Staffordshire Hoard, discovered in 2009 by a metal detectorist in Staffordshire, England. The hoard consisted of over 3,500 items, including gold and silver artifacts dating back to the 7th century. The estimated value of the hoard was around £3.285 million (approximately $4.3 million USD) at the time of its discovery.

Other valuable finds made with metal detectors include the Hoxne Hoard, discovered in Suffolk, England in 1992, which contained over 15,000 Roman-era gold and silver coins and jewelry; and the Cuerdale Hoard, discovered in Lancashire, England in 1840, which contained over 8,600 Viking-era silver coins and other artifacts.

These discoveries highlight the potential for valuable historical artifacts to be found using metal detectors, and serve as a reminder of the importance of responsible metal detecting practices and adherence to local laws and regulations regarding artifact discovery and preservation.

Can you find treasure with a metal detector?

Yes, treasure hunting with a metal detector can be a rewarding and exciting hobby that has the potential to uncover valuable and historically significant items. Metal detectors are commonly used to search for a wide range of treasures, including coins, jewelry, relics, artifacts, and even buried caches of valuable items.

Some treasure hunters have discovered rare and valuable items such as gold coins, ancient artifacts, and lost jewelry worth significant sums of money. Others enjoy the thrill of uncovering historical relics or relics that provide insight into the past.

While not every metal detecting excursion may lead to finding treasure, the thrill of the hunt and the possibility of discovering something special is a significant draw for many enthusiasts. It’s important to research and understand local laws and regulations related to metal detecting, obtain permission to search on private property, and adhere to ethical detecting practices to ensure a positive and respectful experience for both the detectorist and the community.

Has anyone ever found anything with a metal detector?

Yes, many people have found valuable and historically significant items using metal detectors. Metal detectorists, also known as treasure hunters or hobbyists, have made numerous discoveries around the world, ranging from ancient coins and artifacts to jewelry and precious metals.

Some notable finds made with metal detectors include:

The Crosby Garrett Helmet: A Roman cavalry helmet dating back to the 2nd or 3rd century AD, discovered in Cumbria, England in 2010.

The Saddle Ridge Hoard: A collection of gold coins worth over $10 million USD, discovered buried on a couple’s property in California in 2013.

The Rosetta Hoard: A collection of Roman-era silver coins discovered in Lancashire, England in 2014.

These are just a few examples of the many valuable and historically significant finds that have been made with metal detectors. Metal detecting can be a rewarding hobby for those interested in history, archaeology, and treasure hunting. However, it is important for metal detectorists to follow local laws and regulations regarding artifact discovery and to obtain permission before searching on private property.

What do metal detectors usually find?

Metal detectors can be used to find a wide variety of objects, including:

1. Coins: Metal detectors are commonly used to search for coins, ranging from modern currency to historical coins and rare collectibles.

2. Jewelry: Rings, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and other types of jewelry are popular targets for metal detectorists.

3. Relics: Metal detectors can uncover historical artifacts and relics such as buttons, buckles, tools, and other items that provide insights into the past.

4. Civil War artifacts: In areas with historical significance, metal detectorists may find artifacts related to the Civil War, such as bullets, buttons, and other items.

5. Lost items: Metal detectors are often used to locate lost objects such as keys, cell phones, and other personal belongings.

6. Gold nuggets: In gold-rich areas, metal detectors can be used to find gold nuggets and flakes.

7. Military artifacts: Metal detectorists may uncover military relics such as buttons, belt buckles, and other items related to past conflicts.

8. Treasure caches: While rare, some metal detector enthusiasts have discovered buried treasure caches containing valuable items such as coins, jewelry, and other treasures.

Overall, metal detectors can detect a wide range of metal objects, and the specific items found will depend on factors such as the location, soil conditions, and the experience and skill of the detectorist.