Security system with smoke

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Security system with smoke

The security industry is one of the most profitable in the world. Billions of dollars are given yearly for services and technologies in this field. Normally, because of the huge profits and demand, security technologies develop with huge speed. For the uninitiated in the field and those who have no need for such a technique would be shocking what they have to deal with any critical stuff. The smoke is one of them . From creepy disaster takes most lives in a fire, the smoke is ” tamed ” and made ​​into a great weapon against theft and fire. In the current article we will examine some of the applications of smoke in the area of security.

Everyone knows about the so-called ” smoke grenades ” . These grenades are used mainly by special forces in emergency situations when it is necessary to disorient the enemy or war / police to conceal it. These grenades make a huge cloud of smoke that spreads and makes visible to the naked eye zero .

Operate on the same principle and many modern security systems. Upon activation of the alarm system or a sensor includes a special device that literally seconds fills a room with a thick curtain of white mist . This device incorporates glycol, glycerin and distilled water to form a smoke, harmless to humans. The purpose of this type of security system is not to hurt the thieves , but to confuse them in two ways. First – the room filling with smoke purely psychological stress criminals and usually causes them to flee a second , even to overcome stress significantly reduced visibility and speed of their theft. Thus providing sufficient time to arrive patrol security , and to apprehend the criminal.

Security system with smoke
Security system with smoke

Besides being a great addition to the basic security system , however , the smokescreen is often used as a completely separate system . Thieves are clever and well equipped with modern technology. Alarms may be delayed for a few minutes , the sensors can be fooled , and security cameras ” blinded .” While in systems with smoke it becomes significantly more difficult. First, they are hidden and secondly because thieves would hardly expect a sudden the whole room done in impenetrable fog.

The biggest advantage of the smokescreen is precisely that they are hidden , efficient and physically deter thieves. What do I mean ? Most security systems act preventively or pre threaten and deter thieves or alarm alert issued and communicated to the police about the attack. These systems are often very effective, but are not always able to prevent skilled thieves . They do not change anything right now in the physical environment . Thieves can not be afraid of the alarms , knowing that in time to come the security firm , but still nothing concrete threatens the current minute, and they have time to escape or take any other decision. While the smokescreen is not. It does not serve as the other systems to prevent entry , it serves to prevent the robbery after the thief has entered . Physically alter the environment.

This kind of smokescreen has applications everywhere. In jewelry , workshops , private homes, rooms with servers and much more. The smoke is harmless, quickly aired odors and leaves traces behind . Furthermore, no harm technologies and fabrics . Practically suitable for any room , no matter how big it is. When installing such a system to be measured and the room itself in order to see how much smoke will not have to be filled to the specified standard of time.

The first such systems were invented in 1974 to further protect gold bullion in specialized vaults the company Concept Engineering. Commercial deployments began in 1994 glycol, glycerin and distilled water are substances that allow a smokescreen to be safe for the person to leave residual traces , make effective enough smoke and have a longer shelf life .

While it used everywhere, smoke curtains are the most loved in the jewelry business. Huge luxury retailers abroad for jewelry and watches by Mappin & Webb, Goldsmiths and Watches of Switzerland, and many other small retailers have installed systems for smoke curtains in store. Statistics made ​​by the shops themselves show that as put these systems losses from burglary burglary fell dramatically . Even thieves to pass other security systems, they often flee smokescreen or even stay for the reduced visibility , repeatedly manage to steal a few things .

Smoke was able to be used even in collection services . Carriers of money installing these systems in their cars , according to specialists at a steal , it would make robbery more difficult . Systems have been approved by security experts around the world and even insurers recommend smokescreen as a good method of protection.

Video demonstration of such a great system you can see below. Combination of thick smoke , shocking alarm and urges caution . Thief Who could resist ?

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