What is treasure hunting ?

What is treasure hunting ? In the category treasure hunting more articles and learn more information about What is treasure hunting ? Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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What is treasure hunting ?

Treasure Hunting – it’s not archeology, it’s a hobby for the soul , which can be said a long time and forever. It tells you people obsessed cop. And you want to devote to this interesting hobby. Perhaps it was my article will interest you , and you buy a metal detector, read pages of my blog and will rush in search of treasure .

Modern treasure hunt , every year more and more gaining popularity. Yet just 3 years ago, if someone had told me that the future will hold rallies hunters , I would say that the organizer of crazy and he can not find enough people to organize the event . In the same way as sales of metal detectors, if 5 years ago, the device can only be bought through a friend , or after a long search for the store. Now the Internet hundreds of stores .

If you search for buried treasure on fire , then first you need to select the device . Typically, the treasures hidden in the ground to a depth of 0.5m . If it’s a big goal , to such a depth would take almost any device . However, on some deep-seated need to buy the coil.

What is treasure hunting ?

What is treasure hunting ?

For example, take garrett ace 250, this entry-level device . So the way I dig . With standard coil it is very bad. But acquiring the deep coil , as I wrote here , it shows a pretty not bad results. And finds too happy.

You can buy a more expensive device , such as x-terra 705 , it shows a pretty not bad results. However, the price of such a device ranges in the aisles of $ 1000. In such a device is a vast setting , it is possible to configure a specific purpose and only seek it. It all depends on what you’re going to look.

What does treasure hunter ?

If you really think that the treasure hunter is the one who is looking for treasures, then you are sadly mistaken in this . Treasure hunter , like a modern treasure hunting , is to search for ancient coins . But I do not rule out that there are times when you get treasures. But it is very rare to find such a treasure probability 0.001% from 100% .

There are people who are engaged in treasure hunting hard , trying to earn some money . But , in fact, they do not think that this is all it costs a pretty penny. Steep jeep , where you can drive through the forest , the unit at least mid-level , old maps and gasoline. Up, there is no payback . I think it is easier to ride through the quiet , bring home a couple of pieces of royal coins and enjoy your favorite hobby.

equipment Treasure Hunt

With the choice of instrument we have determined . Now we need to decide on the outfit . The most important thing in our business is a good shovel . That will be with us always and everywhere.

For example, if you drive a car , you are absolutely fit any spade , which you might need to dig. Of course , I recommend to dig only by fiskars. This shovel responsible for its quality. Pay attention to what you have with a shovel pass through the bushes and thickets. So take a shovel Fiskars short bayonet , it comes with a yellow handle . Its weight of 1 kg . 300 grams, and the length of 84cm . That is, it is very easy to dig , and do not need to bend over . But in a small backpack she can not fit .