underground secrets

underground secrets In the category ancient civilizations more articles and learn more information about underground secrets Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

Status of women in the era of the Romans

Status of women in the era of the Romans  Roman era is the era of gains of Eve where I Read more

Isadora Love story immortalized in history

Isadora  Love story immortalized in history This unique type of cemetery circa 120 CE ... Emperor era (Hadrian) (117 m-138 Read more

Rome city of seven hills

Rome city of seven hills Rome was founded on a series of hills so you know the city of the Read more

Gas confusing to many scholars

Archaeologists acknowledge that they are so far unable to probe the distant past to solve numerous puzzles and riddles etched Read more

underground secrets
There are hidden underground passages, some of them air-conditioned, used to transport contraband through tunnels hidden

And are
Scattered all over the world such as Mountain Park in New York, or on
Rock of Gibraltar. ten such corridors are just a small part of those built
For smuggling or mysterious works such as secret military strategies,
Most of them don’t come to the light of day.


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  1. underground secrets
  2. Secrets of the Great Pyramid
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  4. Archive for the Civilizations Category
Tunnel California and Mexico for drug smuggling
underground secrets
Most of the spending for drug trafficking is nothing more than a hole in the ground,


I discovered
In November 2010 is surprisingly sophisticated (lighting, air conditioning and rope system
And reel) smuggling tons of almerouana through the pulley that pulls the drugs
The end of the tunnel


Extends the length of six football pitches between San Diego, California and Tijuana, Mexico.

Viet Nam war spending
underground secrets
In the sleep dug during the US intervention in the sleep
Turned into poisonous spiders and colonies where armies of mosquitoes
Taken by
Vietnamese soldiers for attacks on American troops across complex tunnels
And twisted this expenditure has played a big role in khesah many Americans
The tunnels were moving troops and weapons are moved, foodstuffs and medical supplies
Now the shrine has been expanded
Canada and the United States of smuggling tunnel  
underground secrets
Mexico is not the only border smuggling drugs to the United States through underground tunnels.

Gaza smuggling tunnels
underground secrets
Of course not all tunnels to smuggle drugs and weapons
Gaza lifeline tunnels the Palestinians are smuggling drugs and materials
Even food animals such as cows and goats to ease the Israeli blockade
Brutal our people in Gaza
Spending, Germany
underground secrets
Somewhere in Germany, there are still remnants of spending the second world war Nazi underground days dug as shelter from air raids
Its location is not known but authorities … Some have tried to explore the tunnels but were
Them maybe there were still weapons or remnants llasslhah biological effects or

Spend Sarajevo


During the Bosnian war in Sarajevo dug tunnels for Muslim citizens to hide from Serb attacks Christians
Spend lacking basic supplies for more than three years.
Very small four feet tall and half the length.
Smuggling tunnels in England in the eighteenth century
underground secrets
Ten feet under remains of a medieval castle in Somerset, England, is a series of spending-but it’s not as old as the Castle
Discover smuggling tunnels in 2008 by water engineers during maintenance
Routine water pipes underground, believed to have been built circa 1720
Having bought Duke Castle bridge and water and destroyed during the civil war
In 1645.
Spending camp Bluefields Tweed
underground secrets