About aliens in Egypt

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About aliens in Egypt

Egypt is much more mysterious than telling us the history books . It is an ancient civilization with extraordinary monuments and advanced achievements in mathematics and other sciences .

New evidence found and alien invasion in ancient Egypt. Information that is drawn around the strange events that occurred during the Amarna . This is one of the most productive and mysterious times in Egyptian history .

Art and science flourished during the reign of Akhenaten – Pharaoh , one of the greatest mysteries in history. It is assumed that an alien influence, known as the ” Brotherhood of the Snake ” penetrates and destroys Egypt Akhenaten .

Trying to erase it from history as deleted knowledge about free energy and anti- gravity technology. Akhenaten was the last pharaoh who understood and mastered these ancient secrets. His mysterious disappearance is a cause to intervene again the theory of extraterrestrial civilization that guides human development.

Changes during the Amarna overcomes the matriarchal society.

Some of the most mysterious monuments of history can only be found in Egypt. Exact calculations, the sublime art, whimsical architecture evolved talk about levels of consciousness and civilization .

Science has established that the earliest human remains are 2.5 million years ago . But the Egyptians provide us with evidence describing events much more distant past, as illustrated and supernatural abilities, locked in man.

Egyptian pyramids


About aliens in Egypt

About aliens in Egypt

What do we really know about the pyramids ?

They are mysterious and curious monuments thousands of years. Contain no characters on their origin or destination. But it seems to have been built before the biblical flood .

According to Arab historians pyramids are designed to preserve a lost civilization of the Arab ” pyramid – after age or size .”

Egyptologists insist that the pyramids were tombs , the largest stands right in the center . But how could thousands of years ago to calculate with such precision. Pyramids have two cameras, play various sounds.

Flints that are found there are black on top, while the bottom is a different color , according to specialists, is a sign of a disaster at this point.

According to one of the newest theories pyramids were built as a store of emotional , spiritual and psychic energy that can be used by people when they have a strong need for it.

Eventually they , like all ancient Egyptian monuments , schools remain mysteries that preserved some of the ancient secrets .