Full report on the tomb of Tutankhamen. visit her catalog

Full report on the tomb of Tutankhamen. visit her catalog In the category ancient civilizations more articles and learn more information about Full report on the tomb of Tutankhamen. visit her catalog Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.

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Curse Of Tutankhamun Tutankhamun’s Tomb History Of Tutankhamun Biography Of Tutankhamun Tutankhamun Facts Pharaoh Tutankhamun Tutankhamun Mask King Tutankhamun Timeline History Of Tutankhamen Curse Of Tutankhamen Tutankhamen Biography Facts About King Tutankhamen.

Full report on the tomb of Tutankhamen. visit her catalog

The lovers of Archaeology in General. Pharaonic monuments in particular. King Tutankhamen more specialized
Is run westerly and confused them for 75 years. 2005 came to end this confusion and extract the puzzle theme … And proves the failure of all theories and hypotheses formulated at the time as a temporary solution to the puzzle
The subject of my writing profile … Long has read many interested foreign sites. And read foreign visits and scientists of the tomb of Tutankhamen in Luxor. And read reports written by Dr. (Zahi Hawass), until you see a documentary produced by the National Geographic Channel, a 38-minute film, and Sate my nosy and intrusive aware I love it!
Start with the topic immediately. By your cheap 3300 in back … Where he had lived on the land of Pharaonic Egypt King named Tutankhamun. The son of King akhenaton
And in mysterious circumstances for us. This King died aged 19 years!! Unlike all the Kings of the Pharaohs who were 90 years and more …
As usually the Pharaohs were buried with their property and their treasures. Were they bury them in places of difficult access. The thieves who lie in wait everywhere for these graves and steal their jewelry
No one from the grave robbery. All the tombs were discovered in the 20th century found free from everything except the Ark of the King!
Where Jewellers!!!! Where the property of the King? No one knows
But only one cemetery … The tomb of this King
The robbers could not find them at all. The Pharaohs hidden in underground corridors.
The face of Tutankhamun
Of pure gold and weighs 110 kg-found inside the Tomb, and is now in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo
We turn to year 1917. I mean since 90 years
We moved this year to live with a British person leave his and resided in Egypt … A person named (Howard Carter) who had been working in Egypt since the age of 17 years. Because of his talent for art was the transfer of ancient engravings of walls and transmitted exactly as it is on paper
In the meantime there was a British Lord named (karnrvon) … It was the few who own a car in Britain:)
Lord was ill as a result of an accident with his car on the streets of London. In the winter the same year came to Egypt for hospitalization in moderate winter atmosphere
He met Lord British world. Combined love of Pharaonic relics and find … They agreed to discuss together about the tomb of King Tutankhamen. The Lord with his money. And British effort and world learning (brain and muscle is I: 109:)


Lord kanrvon (right) and British World Carter
After years of hard research. When Lord karnrvon lost a lot of time … And money too
Decided to suspend funding for research. Enough of the $ 2 million spent in the air
This was a shock to Carter. But he persuaded the Lord with other final year … Lord agreed but travelled to Britain
On 4 November 1922 in pure coincidence … They found the tomb of King Tutankhamen!!
Found in Luxor. In the Valley of the Kings. They transfer the treasures of the King to the Egyptian Museum
On 6 November contact Carter Lord in Britain to inform him of the happy event. Saying: Congratulations and then the little: (the 2 million mrahosh waste o Lord): 109:
Lord left Britain and went to Luxor on Nov. 23 and with him his sister Evelyn Herbert
Entered together with cemetery workers of Luxor … And a small aperture was the first of their toddler for the small size. Came with a candle and lit their way and opened the door of the Tomb from the inside!
The first words that came out of Carter when he saw treasures in full: it’s amazing, it’s amazing 

At first glance the cemetery since 3,300 year 


Carter examines the Mummy King together with child first entering 



They shake hands with each other at the entrance to the cemetery
Extracted the Mummy King … And they examined her X ray in 1926, her time was assisted by scientific development to reach any result …
And after 40 years they bfshaha again with X rays and came to several conclusions. Are:
-A bloody clots in the middle of the skull
-Loss of small bone bones rib cage
Based on these outcomes, as well as small age in which King … They said that this King died either found dead … In hunting accident. And in war, and named it King child (The Boy King)
Go to one last time for 2005. Under this enormous scientific advances … Scientists led by Dr Zahi Hawass examined the Mummy with CT-scan, short for Computer Tomography, is a device that captures 1700 Mummy pictures from various quarters. And 3-d mapping.. Indicating any flaws or broken by
After the CT showed the following:
-Hole in the bottom algmgh size piece of metal coins
-Break in left knee
-Bone missing from the rib cage
-A 4-inch-long black line at the bottom of algmgh
-There is no bleeding in the algmgh as they previously 



Dr. Zahi Hawass during the CT-scan work on the Mummy
Picture of skull after displaying the article thought it’s bleeding …
Modern detection has proven it’s leftover mummification
The image also appears in the hole in the skull
The world’s most famous mummy Mummy … Tourists come from Europe to visit her … It is located in the cemetery with some King property