How to check real gold at home

How to check real gold at home In the category gold discovery more articles and learn more information about How to check real gold at home Reviews Price Specifications Features Image manuals videos Accessories All this in metal detectors for gold.


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How to check real gold at home


It is well known that when everyone went to two types: type a real original type made ​​of pure gold and its price is high, which is another type of ormolu, which is not made ​​in any material or component precious value. It may be the similarities between him and the real gold through the outer appearance only.

And of course, not one of us wishes to purchase at the price of gold ormolu real so we must very careful when you buy a piece of gold.

How to check the authenticity of the gold at home ?

Gold – a precious metal , which due to its softness is usually combined with other metals ( alloys prepared , of which give jewelry ) . Content of pure gold in a gold alloy sample is measured . For example, in a gold alloy 750 contains 75 % pure gold and the remaining 25 % – ligature and impurities.

Despite the fact that the circulation of precious metals is strictly controlled by the state pursuant to the precious metals and stones , gold jewelry is often counterfeited. For example, underestimate the amount of pure gold, gold or replaced by other cheaper metals yellow. Therefore, at the time of purchase , especially in unfamiliar places or other people , it is important to know at least a few simple ways to check it gold or not. Different ways to check its cost and degree of difficulty , depending on how accurate you want results , and what is the nature of the test “sample” .

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How to check real gold at home

Precede the tests to check for gold or fake

In nature there are substitutes for gold is very close to him physical properties. For example , pyrite ( mineral golden color with a metallic luster , represents an iron compound with sulfur , sulfur or iron pyrites ) . There are cheaper imitation, including , for example , ordinary copper with gold plating. To avoid unnecessary spending on advanced tests , worth a try first the following preliminary tests :

scrabble product on bisque , and look at the left strip. If it is dark in color , most likely that the pyrite. If golden yellow – is not gold
-Further , conduct product by ordinary glass. Since gold is softer glass , it should not leave a trace
try to check iodine. To do this, apply a drop of iodine on gold product for 3-5 minutes , then wipe off with a napkin. If the stain metal remained unchanged , then gold is likely authentic
Bring the product to a magnet. If it is attracted to a magnet , it is probably not pure gold
if you do not have a magnet, or the result is in doubt , use the gold to check the authenticity of the vinegar. Lower the product for some time in the vinegar if it will darken – it is a fake .

None of these methods will not detect 100% accurate if the sample is pure gold or gold is not there at all , but you will get at least approximate results.
Checking the authenticity of gold acid / scratching

Checking acid – scarring – this is the least expensive alternative as compared with other tests to determine the purity of the gold , however, it can provide a fairly accurate results. Can be checked at home. You need to buy a set for testing acid in professional chemistry lab or shop for jewelers . The test is performed in series, with gold needles with increasing gold content ( samples ) . Acid gold to the authentication can be used almost any – sulfuric acid, nitric acid and so on.

The products apply micro scratch , scratch and drip on some acid . Then compare what color will remain in the scratch ( comparing it with needles ) , and draw a conclusion about the probable metal sample .

You can also use the so-called ” touchstone “, which has a matte polished surface. Slightly ” scrabble ” checked your product on touchstone . To do this, first select the least conspicuous portion decorations press and rub the gold fragment of stone several times. Do the same with the sample from the test set . You can choose 2-3 validation sample , which you think are most similar to the gold content to the scanned product. ” Let me know ” each of them on the stone as close to the track from scratch , left testable product . Then, map the trail left by a tone touches all known reference sample (ie , with traces of samples for testing) .

Test samples and definition of gold by means of special devices

More advanced methods for determining the purity of gold in the article involve the use of devices that give more accurate results. The most common are electronic testers that exist in many different forms – both for individuals and for professional laboratories. Electronic testers use a liquid droplet to scan a sample and generate digital signage purity .

A more expensive technique is to X-rays , used only in vitro. With it , an analysis of the dispersion wavelengths , defining not only the sample (content) of gold, but the full composition of a gold alloy .


Assay typically used to determine the purity of gold larger samples . It is rarely used for testing coins or jewelry because of its ” destructive ” nature . The fact that a fragment of the sample has to melt and separate from the sample. Separated portion of the sample is then heated to extremely high temperatures , and fused with lead and silver, which play the role of agents , separating and collecting pure gold at the end of the process. The resulting product was weighed to determine the initial purity of the sample.

What are 3 ways to test if gold is real at home?

Here are three simple methods you can use to test if gold is real at home:

1. Magnet test: Real gold is not magnetic, so you can use a strong magnet to test its authenticity. If the gold is attracted to the magnet, it is likely not real gold. Keep in mind that this test is not foolproof, as some counterfeit gold items may not be magnetic.

2. Acid test: You can use a gold testing acid kit, which typically includes solutions of different acids for testing gold purity. By applying a small amount of acid to the gold item, you can determine if it is real gold based on the reaction. Real gold will not react to nitric acid, while base metals or alloys will cause a reaction.

3. Density test: Gold is a dense metal, so you can perform a density test to determine if it is real gold. Fill a container with water and note the water level. Place the gold item in the water and measure the water displacement. Real gold will displace less water compared to fake gold or other metals with a lower density.

These methods can provide you with a general indication of whether the gold is real or not, but for a more accurate assessment, it is recommended to consult a professional jeweler or gold dealer for a formal appraisal.

How can I test my gold with toothpaste at home?

Testing gold with toothpaste is not a reliable or recommended method for determining the authenticity of gold. Toothpaste is not a reliable testing agent for gold and may not provide accurate results.

It is best to use more reliable methods such as the magnet test, acid test, or density test, as mentioned above, or to consult a professional jeweler or gold dealer for a formal appraisal of your gold items. These methods are more effective and accurate in determining the purity and authenticity of gold.

Can you test gold with vinegar?

Vinegar is not typically used as a reliable method for testing the authenticity of gold. Vinegar is an acidic solution, but it may not be strong enough to provide an accurate test for gold purity.

The most common and reliable method for testing gold purity is the acid test using specialized gold testing acid solutions. These acid solutions are designed to react differently with various metals and alloys, allowing you to determine the purity of the gold based on the reaction.

It is recommended to use established testing methods such as the acid test, magnet test, or density test, or consult a professional jeweler or gold dealer for a formal appraisal of your gold items. These methods are more effective in determining the authenticity and purity of gold.

Does real gold stick to a magnet?

Real gold does not stick to a magnet. Gold is a non-magnetic metal, which means it is not attracted to magnets. This property is one way to help distinguish real gold from other metals or materials that may be mistaken for gold.

If you have a piece of metal that you suspect may be gold, you can test it by holding a magnet near the metal. If the metal is attracted to the magnet, it is not gold. However, if the metal is not attracted to the magnet and shows no signs of magnetic properties, it may be real gold. Keep in mind that this is just one simple test and there are other methods to confirm the authenticity of gold, such as acid testing or specific gravity testing.

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